I was going to ask “Who has time for all that crap?” and then the reality of me sitting here reading all this crap hit me. I need better hobbies.
I was going to ask “Who has time for all that crap?” and then the reality of me sitting here reading all this crap hit me. I need better hobbies.
Oh, well if someone like Andy says it’s not true, then I am sure...wait. Never mind.
Don’t mention the war!
No, but most potential buyers have several houses to choose from and they are most likely not going to pick the one with a trailer view.
Who wants to buy a house next to a trailer? May be a tough sell.
I did not expect Prince to be back so soon - or to return as a manatee.
Maybe she could earn some of it back by appearing on Botched? Maybe it is the angle, but that face looks like a mash up of plastic surgery errors.
I strongly believe in skipping any comment that begins with “umm...”
Really desperate to be The Olympic Presenter.
So, this is my first season back with RHONY, so I am just getting to know Dorinda, but how much coke did she do to be that stuffed up during her “toast"?
But they didn’t really mean it - they just wanted to attract people too ignorant to realize the GOP hates them and only wants their vote.
It is “a sad time,” but not for the reasons Eastwood believes.
This has not been our experience. 85 & 87 3-series that both lived long and happy lives. 2001 330i and 2004 x3 (I know) both cruising along at 170k +. Knock wood. Proper maintenance, few repairs here and there like any high mileage car.
Andre though...
Yes! It is amazing how perfect everyone was in the memory of their own childhood. I work with kids and even the angels screw up sometimes.
Still better than sitting though The Secret Life of Pets.
Not sure the absence of either of those parents is really all that great a loss...
He is no Joe Biden. Joe seems like a good time.
She is Ginger from Casino.
I can’t help but think that with better representation, Lindsey Lohan could have had Amber Heard’s, ahem, career.