
Obvious troll is obvious...

I would say it provides the widges in a similar experience across the board and they tend not to break as much. I'm an Android user too and I'm not trolling but my experience with a lot of widgets has been less than ideal. The Spotify one is a great example. Why do I need album art? Why can't I make it smaller or

Yet people read tons of iPhone5 articles and Google Nexus Tablet articles...

I don't think people are excited about that as much as the Win8 Pro which will let you run full legacy software. Also, are there iPad keyboards that are magnetic?

Seriously!?! The author takes the Rams design points and demonstrates how Microsoft is applying them. Obvious troll is obvious...

It did take a while to get to specific things, but it was mostly a throwback to my typing class in high school. If I can find home row I just remember where stuff is.

Yep. It was a really dorky thing to do, but I type much better on my phone and tablet. I don't have numbers to back it up but I'd say I easily cut down my errors by about 40%. Between that and auto correct I've gotten pretty good.

Oh I totally understand and I don't necessarily disagree, I just know in my case I don't look down as much because of muscle memory. It sounds incredibly lame, but for a couple of days I would just rest my thumbs on my phone in the same exact place every time. After those couple of days I could remember where keys

Well you can attach/detach the keyboard since it's magnetic. Also it's a Bluetooth keyboard (likely, or equivalent) so what is the difference between that and the tons of keyboards that exist for iOS?

You have to think too that MS is going to license other companies to make compatible Keyboards (odds are it's just bluetooth) so you'll probably see better ones if this one isn't quite up to snuff

Meh, I'm going wait and see with the keyboard. I felt the same way about on screen ones on phones and tablets for a long time.

Do you have a smartphone? Do you endlessly struggle with typing on that?

So clearly no one will come up with another solution ever again

Boot camp can help some, I wouldn't recommend Vbox though

yeah 300 is crazy besides if you want to play it the box means nothing. haha

ViStart is a freeware download that brings the traditional start menu back if you really want it. and Win+F will still search.

yeah if you look in the right spots you can find it way cheaper. $300 is beyone overpriced. Ebay, Craigslist, and Flea Markets

haha truthfully blame my mom she threw literally nothing out since I was born.

You are correct good sir. I was 100% wrong and ashamed I didn't realize my mistake.

See I thought the same thing, but I dug out my 1986 toaster which was in my basement in a box since 1999 and it worked without me doing anything. Replacement parts are still around and those old consoles were built to last.