
That's why most of them use Macs

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I am so sick of all of my devices being Black or White. Yes I know you can get covers but why not another color just to be different?

I look at it like each of the big three have their bonehead moves. MS telegraphs its punches, Googke let's people shit all over their Mobile OS, and Apple has gotten bitten in the ass before emphasizing design over functionality.

Which app lets me put in note citations or apply any standardized formatting? Which app works with WebDAV and Google docs? Which one gives me a keyboard I don't have to stare at constantly (without serious training) to type on?

All ms stuff syncs with skydive so that point is moot. You missed the part where I said you have to buy numbers desktop and numbers mobile if you want them both. And while you may like having one item hog the entire screen sometimes it's nice to have. Two. And iOS multitasking is fast app switching which most people

ARM support a useful Task Manager, better file copy options and true multi monitor support. None of which will impact tablet users.

"but it's a third party purchase" and therein lies the problem.

Much much better now :-) and it definitely sounds to me a lot of people sound like the high school kid whos parents didn't get him the Red Mercedes, but got them a nice car that works.

True but I one thing I think people are forgetting is that it's a Microsoft release. Traditionally they announce a new platform/device like a year or two out. I wouldn't be surprised if they release the first WP8 device just around the time the 900 users are coming off contracts.

Exactly because leaving cameras out and no LTE was just done to keep people buying the same old phone/tablet. MS has short timing but everyone is doing the same thing. Trying to convince you that your life will have no meaning if your phone isn't the best.

If the device exists it's obsolete.

I can understand the money to a point, but at the same time whenever you buy any piece of technology you're going to lose money. I have a laptop that laptop will never gain in value and it won't gain any features or functionality unless I invest in buying and upgrading it. Unfortunately phones don't even have the

but at the same time is that support or stagnation?

" they are simply integrating last year's iOS and android features... " UMMMM can you show us anything the other phone companies are NOT copying from each other? Apple Maps? Notifications? Groups (in ICS)? Everyone steals from everyone and one you figure that out you'll learn to find something that fits your specific

Sorry but the complaints from the majority of people in this thread are the most first-world-problem ridden cries I've ever heard. OMG my phone won't have the newest OS which adds new features I probably won't use. and since no devices exist that run WP8 right now obviously my current really nice phone that works fine

Guess HTC is killing themselves since my Droid Incredible won't ever get ICS... damn my phone is totally useless.

haha the joke worked for me just fine. And yeah it's not about one being better than the other more than it just being different.

Love it or hate it, it's something different and that's a very good thing. I see WP8 as the only mobile OS going in a different direction. It's whimsical, it's fun, and yeah it's trendy but that can work. I'm looking forward to more and more of this.

I understand and in a way agree with you. I think the attraction (which is some cases I share) is that is gives you instant information at the top of your device in a way that can be seen as stylish and in a way, fun.

yeah how dare a company try to get you to spend money on a new device. I'm still rockin my Gateway and expecting Windows 95 support!