
Yeah I've been in the same boat. I have about 1/3 of a NES complete collection. Yard Sales are the best

True and in your case an emulator would be a great solution. Personally I play more retro games than real ones so to me it's worth the investment.

haha no I know. I'm a retro purist in an extreme sense so if I can't use an original NES controller it would drive me crazy.

No Controller = No deal

Totally agree. I'm a pretty avid Retro Gamer and Emulations are just not as good. Computer ones have a boat load of config, and I still find they lag all over the place. And these don't use the right hardware AND are cheap as hell.

These don't use real Nintendo hardware, and therefore do not have all the mappers of the Original NES. Which means if you're using real Carts some of them won't play.

You can get a flash cart which is a cartridge with CF memory inside it that you can copy any and all ROMS over to it, though it's still illegal if you own it.

I wasn't stating about the phone itself. I think I was more implying about the allure of iOS.

Well I've learned that each device can be its own lemon so I'm sure there are an equal number of "this device is better than that one" out there.

While I understand that I don't understand why a company like Samsung wouldn't do one for the line of Galaxy phones. They have the dame chasis from what I remember.

HAHA I have been using that all week. Every time someone e-mails me with an OMG message. I just send that as a reply.

My initial reaction,

To me it's not about the calories, when it comes to fast food, as it does all of the garbage they put into their food. And I'm not talking about the pink slime fad. Steroids, diet that cows aren't particularly designed for and hormones all end up in your meal. That to me is enough to not eat out much at all.

Spotify is good, but lack of a browser app drives me up a friggin wall. Not to mention both their desktop client and Android app are hideous. I've had more issues on my phone because of the premium app than anything I have ever used.

Mine says sent from my phone electronic device.

It has less to do with the TOS than it does to the judge who is going to say you signed up for a company to host your files, which gives no guarantee to your security other than a password.

Skydrive gives you 5 of syncable, Docs is infinite for Gdoc files, you can upload virtually infinite photos already to Google and 200k songs for music. Dropbox gives you 2Gb free. Yeah [box.net] gives you more but who uses that?

Yes because signing up for something, not reading the TOS then filing suit will last in court.

Exactly! It makes me almost sad when you think about it.

It is funny how so many people hate fanboy-ism but still you see endless people explaining how whatever they use is the best.