
One of the things people are missing about this is that it gives kids a voice in a classroom they may otherwise not have. For example think about your classic stereotypical class. Teacher is in the front and contains all of the knowledge and ability. The students are viewed as blank slates (John Dewey coined the term

So your WP is only going to do one thing? Also, obviously they're not going to develop it further at all.

Because people can hate the company but love their money?

AH a quote with the "..." As soon as you see that you can just insert "The author is likely setting this up for troll bait" over top of it.

That's because in the near future they're going to turn Ballmer into a giant whooping, sweating cyborg and he's going to destroy the company physically

hahaha that's what I get for using an iPad with autocorrect. Clearly I was not an honor student. From my time spent as a teacher I always found the opposite, the student that puts up such a good front is able to get away with so much more. You would never suspect Little Billy of being the one who stole the chemistry

I highly disagree with this statement. So the kid is allegedly good in school. He can still be a total jerk. Not that this is a particularly fair comparison but Ted Bundy was by all accounts a normal member of society minus the cereal killer thing.

TBH I highly doubt a few parts of that article. First, from what I have read it was obvious that the mother was very upset. How do we know she didn't spend 10 minutes cursing the MS rep out. As a person that works in a customer service setting you'd be amazed at what I get called on a daily basis and it is coming from

You may hate on Sammy, but Chickenfoot is the last hard rock band that is doing anything good. Also, when is there going to be a new VH album. Taking forever!

Well I'm not hating on microsoft at all. It's good business to do it, I'm just not sure how I personally feel about it. If they own a patent that's great, but in this case they do not. From my understanding they are receiving compensation because companies are selling phones with other OS installs on them. Not sure

Well I somewhat mis-typed in my original comment. The money is coming from settlements with phone manufacturers but the headline indicates they're getting it from Android. So my comment about the piggyback was directed at that.

Wow. I am not sure how I feel about that. One part of me says this is crazy since MS is piggybacking on another phone OS. The other part of me says money is money and business is business.

Cool story, bro

Because then you can sell your iPad

I'm not sure if they necessarily have to pull people away as much as they're going to have to beat Facebook at the integration game.

Part of my job is using social networks everyday so I loved this article. I'm actually finishing my thesis on Twitter.

I was thinking the same thing... I've never seen a macbook at a LAN before.

I would add either mint gum or some kind of mouthwash to that list, or those throw away tooth brush things. Nothing is more haggard than having someone yawn death breath in your face on no sleep.

There are tons of articles all over the internet explaining to people you do not have to use Metro if you do not want to. You can just turn it off.

Hands down one of the best articles I have ever read on this site. The bottom line is use what you want, everyone steals from everyone else. and if you can't be happy for competition you're a fanboy.