
Why would Apple offer a job to someone with an idea. There's no coding done here it's just an animation. How about the next iPad should have a holographic display in 3d? I need a job.

Which is why you can turn it off if you want. I know it's a radical idea being given choice and all, and the end of the demo showed how you can use it with a mouse/keyboard it's not too bad and frankly it will help non power users since it's stripped down and easy to understand.

Before everyone starts spamming this article with screams of Teleport and Synergy. Yes Teleport does this but it is mac only. Synergy does this as well but it takes some setup, and there is some trickiness to getting drag and drop to work (or dropbox).

He said Yeah, I can't do it. Then he thought about it for a minute and remembered " Oh well, I guess I'll just go buy an island"

I think the article misses a point. This is everywhere now. It's simply psychology. If you see a reward you will do what you want. Why do you work? Because you want money. Why do you write on a blog? To get people to comment. Every store has loyalty cards now a days.

Zune desktop over WMP

Agreed. Though if I try to think like Microsoft does I think you're still going to see an incarnation of the Courier. They're probably just going to wait to develop Windows 8 a bit more. Then layer a skin over top of it. Since Win8 is their tablet OS

I am in no way saying this is a good idea. The price point puts it above all of the other music locker services but I do think it would be a somewhat fun experiment to try. Everyone always brags about how they can access millions upon millions of songs but how many do you actually listen to out of that?

Also, yes this is a joke and I'm sure some people will find it in poor taste, but he used the word "unfortunately" I thought Apple banned that word and replaced it with " as it turns out"

How crazy/cool would it be if he and Bill Gates started a new company together to give technology to the needy. Not likely but would be fun to watch.

Real glad our astronauts are hitching rides with them now

Point taken and I agree. I mean most of the articles on this site drive me up a wall, yet I still am here commenting. If only my job took more than .2 percent of my attention.

Weird. I can not read comments if I don't want to. Try blog view.

This was one of the best comments I have ever read on this site. Bravo!!!

"Um yeah it is justifiable, if you see a table filled with free food for the community you are allowed to take as you please"

You sir just summed up the entirety of this website.

OK well thank you very much for the lesson in semantics. I'm glad that because whomever created the notification may or may not have filed patents for it it makes it justifiable for Apple to steal.

I think I am in the same boat. I am at a loss for words sometimes with these articles and the fact that people actually receive compensation for them. Beyond the 6th grade mentality and writing, they are so completely bias it is insane. You have a site that is supposed to rate gadgets and technology yet doesn't review

WOW yeah totally correct. I'm glad all of those people working for those companies will be out of jobs so you can have cooler gadgets. /sarcasm

Also i'm going to buy this just to prove the article wrong