
Those kids weren't on drugs?

You wouldn't kill a cat to avoid ETERNAL DAMNATION?

Because they knew all the words and chanted along?

Just curious - did you grow up Catholic? I did, and I blame being told about hell and that it was DEFINITELY on the table if you don't get your shit together, kid. I'm an atheist yet, the concept of eternal damnation or unkillable demonic evil still creeps me the fuck out. I don't believe either actually exist, but

Age of Consent isn't so much a song as an obsession.

I remember specific quotes from them in pre-production saying the effects are all practical, with minimal CGI for composite shots and shit.

That slow-mo shot of the lead leaving a tent after some sort of torture by our antagonist really stuck with me.

The Thing Remake would be better recognized if the CGI monsters didn't look like such dogshit. The original had, for my money, the best practical effects of all time, so the comparison between the two inevitably hurts the remake.

When Mama was in the shadows, it had my attention. When she was out in the open, I was bored senseless.

I loved the Babadook, but you're kind of right. The problem is there's so much crap in the genre that when a piece of gold pops up, we tend to swarm it and overblow it. It's better as a smaller piece, and not "CAPSTONE TO HORROR!" praise.

That's pretty condescending. The movie was uniformly praised by critics, genre enthusiasts (like me) AND casual viewers.

You finished that? I got to some dumb train tunnel level and I turned off my PS3, stared at the blank screen, and sadly slipped the disc into its box.

This is true. I bought that Mordor game and loved it, but nobody else was playing it. I finished it, sold it, and now, months later, these bastard friends of mine have jumped on and I hardly remember any of the game mechanic minutiae I found fascinating 4 months ago because at the time I had no one to bounce off of.

I've been itching to play Dying Light and order 1886, but I'm going to go ahead and finish what I've got and wait until those two hit a more appealing price.

A nerd on the Internet? Now I've seen everything!

Oh we got a regular science man over here. Hey, where's your lab coat science man?

Which is funny analogy because there is literally a scene in a space-church in that movie and that's where she gives a big emotional speech about being a ro-bit.

Was it cold and slimy like holding a writhing eel? Or warm and genteel as the Devil's surely is?

Why wait to die? I donated both my kidneys and a bunch of other crap last week to lose those last 15 pounds.

9 months later - yeah, which would be a totally fair hint that later, he's going to not be greasing it so much (like if Oxy's got his mind all mixed up), and it's going to fail on him. I was a little disappointed that never paid off - from the first episode, I expected it to be a more interesting plot point than