Ride The Lightning

I’m not discounting that something nefarious is afoot.  But to suggest that this sort of shit hasn’t been plaguing the USPS for years if FUCKING HILARIOUS.

Are you using “competent” in regards to an Erik Shilling article?  Shame on you.

Absolute dumpster fire of a layout.  Way, way too much going on visually, no chronological order/sense, and let’s be honest, the ads take up over 50% of the page when you scroll down on PC...not to mention a ridiculous amount of sponsored/garbage taboola ads at the bottom.  See ya, Gizmodo.

Agreed....normally I roll my eyes when people invariably say, “but...but the B-pillar looks like vehicle X’s!” but this screams so badly of a slightly stretched-out F-Type coupe.

It’s amusing to see the site that regularly craps on Amazon about worker conditions and privacy concerns trotting out an article about “ten additional ways to have Amazon intrude on your personal privac...I mean ten cool things this Amazon device can do for you!”

Except you could pick up a newer-than-this F-Type R without the godawful rims for this money or less.

Good luck, Elizabeth! I was not a fan of your early stuff for various reasons, but it was awesome to see your writing evolve here, and I always increasingly  looked forward to your articles here!  Hope you kick ass, whatever you do.

“allow you to run bigger tires with more sidewall, giving you a better rid”

Fantastic pictures!  I have never thought the F-Type was a particularly large car, but next to the XKR-140 it looks huge.

I have a ‘16 F-Type R coupe, no wing. which to me looks way less boy racer, at least in my opinion. It is a little tight in the cabin like Kristen says, but not any more so than any other car of it’s ilk to some extent. And it is a riot to drive, foibles and all.

Oh I don’t disagree at all, and that should have been a security feature from the get-go.  I was just commenting on the now-tired kicking of the horse on a regular basis.

I know, right? I mean, the thing isn’t a bastion of top-notch security practices but the constant bleating about it because some jamokes used stupid passwords is a sign of Giz going downhill.

Lighten up, Francis. I don’t drive a diesel, never have and have no plans to. We were talking about the feasibility of going to e-bikes instead of using cars from your initial post, and I asked how would I haul/carry/transport/ around kids/groceries/a load of stuff from Home Depot/whatever across longer distances like

Well, see, “most people dont haul things regularly” is a broad statement.  I haul stuff all the time, like picking up kids, groceries, dry cleaning, or whatever.  Just not feasible on a bike.  Not to mention the pure distances involved in much of suburban America.

Looks like he knew he was going to face the music, so he got out of there just in case.

I find your dedication to not use the Shift button impressive. And in seriousness, although I am generally pro-bike, do you really think the average commuter is going to ditch their cars en masse, in light of things like weather and the ability to haul anything of size? I mean, there might be some in urban centers

Maybe, but we will find out only after he is finished serving a year dead for tax purposes.

Yes, we should never buy classic cars because newer, modern cars can outperform them.  

Let’s not forget the Taycan Turbo!

Dat front overhang.