Yeah, but in context, Weiters has been crowding the batter zone all series. Happ hit him on a backswing. In the same inning as this, he interfered with a swing.
Yeah, but in context, Weiters has been crowding the batter zone all series. Happ hit him on a backswing. In the same inning as this, he interfered with a swing.
You know what the funniest thing is? Fox paid $400M for this and the next World Cup rights. Enjoy your nobody audience in the US. That’s $200M definitely wasted and the Qatar games are going to be on from something like 5 in the morning.
Please tell me US Soccer pulled a Kiffin and left Bruce Arena on the tarmac.
3 wins, 3 draws, 4 losses. Yeah, that goal was a phantom, but this team’s quality is a phantasm. We’re out on merit.
You’re a hero for saying this. Not joking—not even a little.
Thank you for fighting the good fight, Barry. #Resist
How does this sentence sound to you: “there are lots of little, nuanced reasons people murder. But by lumping all murderers into the same category, you literally doing the same prejudging”
Donald Trump is a dumb American version of Benito Mussolini (who himself was pretty goddamn stupid). Had I lived in fascist Italy I would not have said, “Well, we’ve all got opinions, and I guess that’s what makes the world go ‘round.” And I won’t say it today.
How horrible of a person does a politician need to be before any support for him is indefensible? Because there has to be a line, right? Suppose strong evidence emerges that a politician is a mass murderer; would voting or support for that politician be bad? Where is your line?
No, you’re not. You’re literally not pre-judging them, you’re judging them. For something they did and/or are continuing to do. Saying that you don’t care about their motivations for doing so doesn’t turn back time.
Voting for a specific reason is one thing, but he’s talking about supporting Trump which is not the same. Bauer spoke about supporting Trump, even after everything Trump has done and we know about him now. That is what makes Bauer (and others who continue to support Trump) a bad person.
I mean, I don’t know how much clearer I can be about this (I also don’t know why people dance around making this point): If you support Donald Trump, you’re a bad person.
Hendricks also looked like the second coming of Greg Maddux when he outpitched Kershaw in the NLCS last year. He probably deserves more credit than he gets because he’s been close to unhittable in his postseason career.
“They hung in there for almost three quarters against a shitty team (before losing by 47!)” is not actually a defense of this extremely atrocious basketball team!
I’ll take the under.
Number of deaths will be more or less than the number of millions of dollars in bribes?
I look forward to it being the home of hundreds of stray dogs after the World Cup ends.
As a consumer of the NFL and the various products they shill, I am entitled to comment on the sport and its various players. I observe, I disquisionate, but you may choose to refer to it as ‘lecture’. You can come at me, I’m a man, I’m fifty.
At least Rivers is going about trying to fill the stadium the old-fashioned, inefficient-but-fun way
It’s not the coaching staff’s fault that the crowd noise is so intense.
Stop. This is ridiculous.