
How do you propose the Democrats fund mental health when they don’t control the House of Representatives, the federal legislative body in which all spending bill originate?

For me, I think it’s more the unexplored juxtaposition of “the electorate hasn’t effected government change supporting this thing” and “do we really need popular people advocating for this thing?”

287,021 people in Idaho voted for Joe Biden, can they get medical care? What about the 3.2 million Trump voters in New York, can’t we deny care to them and give it to the blue people in red states?

Amen! Well put!

On one hand, I feel for all the women affected by this but on the other, this is what they voted for! It is a very red state.

All of this is fucking horrible and, as we all know on this site, bullshit. While reading this, the only thing that kept going through my mind is, “these issues HAVE to happen to someone with influence”. A Senator, Senators wife, Congressperson, etc. I quickly came to the conclusion that’s not going to happen. The

Was this really necessary, let alone especially beneficial to anyone at this point?”

This take is so bad. And even the parts that I do agree with - that we should have universal health care and eat the rich, are shot down by the other big headline on Jez today - that Amanda Bynes is hospitalized again, so having wealth and privilege is not the insulator you think it is. People are largely really not

Sorry, gotta disagree yet again with your all or nothing positioning. As someone with a few family members challenged with mental illness, any reasonable thing done to de-stigmatize and normalize conversations about it is a good thing in my book. Sure, yes, we don’t have enough societal and government institutional

It should be a fucking amazing news day, why aren’t they arresting Trump yet?

My first real job out of college involved working with people diagnosed with severe mental illness. I did it for about 8 years. The hardest thing was trying to get through to someone in the midst of a manic or psychotic episode. You could talk to them for two hours and feel like you were breaking through their

Yeah, two people close to me suffer from psychotic episodes that affect memory formation and their grasp on reality. Neither really understands what’s going on during the episodes, and they remember nothing after.

Severe mental illness is just so hard on everyone - the person who is ill, those who love them and those who live and work with them. I am so glad to hear Amanda recognized she was having a crisis and called for help. Realizing and accepting that you’re ill can be the hardest part. I continue to wish the best for her!

It takes a lot for someone in the throes of a psychotic episode to recognize that they’re experiencing a psychotic episode and in need of help.

I meant it in the absurd and extreme theoretical sense to illustrate what a violation it is of the creative imagination and anything remotely connected to Stanislavskian principles. Where is the stop point between illusion and reality in terms of an art form? Are you a genius because you gained 100 pounds for the

Except for good old Alan Ruck. He remains affable and delightful and I’m just so goddamn happy he continues to not only work prolifically, but looks freaking GREAT for his age (the man is 66!).

Lee Strasberg, The High Priest of The Method, despised when an actor would get drunk to play drunk. He would have considered Strong a talentless cretin and beneath contempt for wanting to tear gas extras in order to feel the reality of poison. Rape to feel rape, murder to feel murder? You get the point. As far as Cox

> “He’s very disciplined in that way, and also he’s very British in that way,” Cox says. “The American inclination is to milk it for all it’s worth.”

Doctor Who celebrates its 60th Anniversary this year.

My sister is 50 and has engaged in disordered eating for at least 30 years. The only food she keeps at home is wheat germ and wilted vegetables. When she was 30, she asked her doctor about lap band surgery, and he explained that my sister was underweight so she didn’t qualify.

My mom is 65 and is the most eating disordered person in my close vicinity. Since I can remember she has been on a diet - grapefruits (don’t even remember what the f that was but I just remember her eating a crap ton of grapefruit), using a small plate so she doesn’t serve herself a lot, not eating bread, not eating