
Well sucks to be them. These kids aren’t having it.

Write a new song for fucks sake.

lol she did sue, it was released without her consent and she sued and was awarded money and donated that money. the case happened at a time when there wasn’t much precedent around this kind of thing, and she did all she could to remedy in court because it was alreaddyyyy released.

I dunno man, I grew up right at the height of her fame and the absolute only people I -ever- heard talk about her were other dudes bashing her or trading a burnt CD of “one night in paris” back and forth. I’ve never met a Paris Hilton stan. I’ve never even met a Paris Hilton fan. Her celebrity seemed entirely centered

‘Borderline mentally ill’ is how I’d describe a -lot- of the discourse around female celebrities at that time. And also now, probably.

If left untreated, they can grow up to be President.

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It’s really, really hard to take Paris Hilton and the cultural response to her (yeah, I get it, she’s unduly famous and wealthy through no merit of her own) and separate it from what the culture surrounding women and girls was at the time. Like . . . holy shit, just as a starting place we were eagerly and voracious

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Paris Hilton was tacky and awful and privileged and represented the bottom of the barrel of reality TV culture, but the discourse surrounding her at the time was...disproportionately fucked up. We (male comedians in particular) projected a lot of weird shit onto her that in hindsight I think was best directed

There seems to be a weird tone surrounding Paris and Pam Anderson in regards to this stuff. When I mentioned Pamela Anderson to my Mom she was like “she asked for all of it” so based on that I assume there was an underlying jealousy from women and then men didn’t take them seriously. People just do not view these

Yeah, hitting children definitely fixes behavior and causes no long or short term harm.  Bing bong so simple

And who did her unrepentantly pursuing whatever lifestyle harm exactly? There’s a fundamental difference to me between attacking someone who has done some harm to others and attacking someone who’s just annoying or uninteresting.

“I don’t walk to talk about Paris Hilton.”

Still doesn’t make it ok that she didn’t consent to a sex tape that was widely distributed.

You must have heard the phrase “casting couch”? This sort of predatory behaviour is so common in Hollywood, they needed a shorter nickname for it. Weinstein was only the top of a very big iceberg.

That is awful. So sad to realize that Harvey Weinstein was probably following a preexisting producer playbook on how to lure women into situations like this. 

Because there’s a subset of the population that’s completely fine with being slack-jawed, popcorn-chomping dipshits looking to “take people down a peg or two.” Tabloid shit.

Not only this but she was literally just on NPR’s “Wait wait don’t tell me” and she was hilarious. She talked about a myriad of things and was candid about life as a Nobel winner. These twitter folks are asshole and I know that’s redundant.

I’m an older millenial. I definitely appreciate that it is less socially acceptable to insult and deride entire groups based on sexual orientation, race, etc. It is great that there is so much attention paid to being sensitive to the impact of our words on others.  But goddamn did we take getting offended too far. 

Maybe it’s a generational thing (I’m Gen X) but when did people stop being able to take a joke? And I’m not talking about Malala, everyone on a message board is so full of themselves and love to get offended on someone else’s behalf.

It is bizarre seeing someone who we tend to only know from her sacrifice and noble works, who has been elevated and put on a pedestal, and who is normally so composed taboot, being put on the spot and being asked to opine on the dumbest thing I can think of. It’s so out of place (a bit like when you’re a kid and you