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    I haven’t visited Twitter since TryHard McEmeraldHeir took over. But I still get the emails.She posts constantly about trans people. Like, daily. It’s—weird. She really does seem obsessed.

    True story. One December in the ‘90s, I was at the mall, shopping for a pair of shoes to go with the dress I’d picked out to wear to the company Xmas party that night. A lady came rushing over with a toddler, frantic. The kid had stopped breathing and she was hitting the kid on the back. I said “no, you do the

    There is so much—humanity in that movie. There are certain scenes I can’t always sit through, they hurt too much. 1) When George is really going off on the kids, and they just look terrified. They’ve never seen their father like this. 2) When poor Mr. Gower walks into the Pottersville bar and gets humiliated by Nick,

    God, that scene is heartbreaking. Mr. Gower receiving the telegram and absolutely devastated—the flinch the little girl gives when she hears Mr. Gower hit him—and young George desperately trying to explain—absolutely heartbreaking.

    Back when we were all still on LiveJournal, I was a member of a crafts group. Another member posted about her crocheting project—she had made a pattern of crocheted Jack the Rippers and she posted a picture of the finished project. Caption: “Isn’t he the cutest lil’ serial killer you’ve ever seen?” I was honestly

    James Frain

    Thank you. 

    I know she was in an episode of The Mandalorian.

    Which, just—-UGHHHH. How can you write stories with no interpersonal conflict?! I loved Roddenberry’s optimism but some of his ideas are so cheesy.


    Yes! I might actually rent or buy these movies if the clip is intriguing enough. 

    Gen X. Unofficial motto*: Leave us out of it.

    Of course the main characters are self-centered and obnoxious. That’s one of the points of the show, that women can act just as badly as men. The difference is, at least to its target audience, was that Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha were entertaining while acting up. They were funny, if occasionally

    The character was deeply despised. First they were hideously self-centered and obnoxious. (Who smokes a joint in a closed elevator? Who seduces—loudly—their employee’s friend the next room over from where said friend is sleeping and recuperating from surgery?) Second, Miranda’s involvement with Che torched her

    I genuinely LOLed at that.

    I’m not even a Swiftie (I like her, just not really into pop music) and this both-sides garbage is just that. Calling them rivals? No, she’s an incredibly successful musician who has tried to ignore his obsession with her. It’s a one-sided “rivalry.

    It’s not necessarily what you make as an actor, it’s what are you doing with what you make.

    Right?! I was like, “Congress? Or House Democrats? Because before every member of Congress listed in that article, I see “Rep.” and after every name, I see “D--”

    Correction, his pants should be on fire.

    My favorite Raul Esparza scene was during the episode Daydream Believer and the serial killer is cross examining the ME and just relishing in the painful details of the victim’s death...and Barba just stands back and lets him, knowing this will convince the jury of his guilt. At some point the judge is practically