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    They gonna vandalize the NYPL like they did in November? That sure helps the cause.

    My brother and I would sneak up on each other, hissing “boy...boy...crazy boy...” And my dad would come up with all sorts of inappropriate lyrics for A Boy Like That. “A boy like that, who killed your brother/I know him well, he mooned your mother...” (I was crying during A Boy Like That. Spielberg’s filmic musicality

    Keep this shit up and you are doing more to get Trump re elected than you even realize.

    Two-plus years later I had to respond. Like you, I am a huge fan of the original—my brother and I would choreograph dances from it in our sunken living room. (We loved the “ow! ow! ow!” in America, we thought it sounded like a puppy yipping.) Sometimes I would be walking through the house and suddenly my brother would

    It honestly sounds exhausting being a MAGAt. Every single day you get new marching orders on some imagined outrage.

    The fact that a generational, pervasive, existential threat to the entire fucking world was dispatched inside of 90 minutes from the start of their assault.

    I loved the rough justice of that. I was like man, you think GOT fans are crazy—just wait until you piss off the Star Wars fandom. Get someone else to start your car, is all I’m saying.

    I know everyone hates that it is Arya that kills the Night King and Jon Snow doesn’t really do anything.


    How was she offended? She literally didn’t react at all. You sound like you have it in for her because—why? And no, I’m not a Swifty, at the most I could probably name three of her songs. (Just not interested in pop.) But it’s gross when people use misogynistic words like fake to tear down a very successful woman.

    Jesus. That sounds fucking terrifying.

    I was gonna say, shades of Ryan O’Neal who was jealous of his 9 year old daughter who won an Oscar and he never did. Pathetic.

    You and Oarfish above are both right, there were indeed plenty of entitled white women. I think I probably remembered the older white men because there was this one of a older white guy, maybe 60s-70s, attacking the glass storefront of some business. Pounding the glass, rattling the door, spitting on the glass and kick

    One thing I remember about the spring and summer of 2020 was how many—how very many—videos that were going viral of older white men just absolutely losing. their. shit. Trying to shove their way into stores without a mask (often assaulting workers and guards), kicking doors, screaming at people. Complete loss of any

    Yes, she has to win the primary before running in the general.

    In one of the documentaries about this case, it tells of how after Gypsy had escaped once, her mother tracked her down and brought her back, then beat her, then handcuffed her to her bed for two weeks. And told her that she’d filed papers with the police declaring Gypsy incompetent, thus assuring the police would

    Utter. Fucking. Bullshit.

    The Miracle remake may be unnecessary but it’s still excellent. The remake’s version of the scene where Santa speaks a foreign language (in the original, he speaks Dutch to an orphan—in the remake, he speaks in ASL to a Deaf little girl) is especially good—you can almost see him downloading ASL. And the child herself

    Incels like you? 😂