OMG that’s adorable.
OMG that’s adorable.
Oh, that’s adorable! You indoctrinated them in the most wholesome way.
I happen to love Bana as well (and his performance as Hector solidified it—he was incredible, so grounded and believable and tragic) but the one blip on his resume is the 2009 Star Trek reboot. His shrieking “I want Spock! SPOOOOOOOOCCCCCCK!” was—well, he needed a director to guide him to a different performance. I’ll…
God, I loved that movie. I can still remember the trailer: “...where love [closeup on Bruce Boxleitner kissing the girl] and escape do not compute.” Jeff Bridges seemed endlessly cool and I loved the name “Sark.” ‘80s movies rock.
my thoughts EXACTLY
The article says—just a few inches above where you posted your comment—that they were on FDR Drive for a lot of it.
Utter nonsense. If that was happening, how was Zimmerfuck able to find his pocket, stick his hand in, find the trigger, aim the gun and pull the trigger? All while his head was being “slammed” on concrete?
Excuse me, the scientific term is moobs.
My absolute favorite adaptation, hands down. Both Sumpter’s Peter and Isaac’s Hook were fantastic. Absolutely magical.
What a good father! Good for him!
He’s one of the few actors I can think of whose career wouldn’t be hurt by playing such an evil person.
Right? I read this:
Why not? That Rachel Dolezal person sure sees a black person staring back.
Yes, audience participation is very much A Thing at RHPS. In fact I directed the stage version (The Rocky Horror Show) and encouraged the audience to yell out.
That does sound infuriating--like, I paid $$$ to hear the professionals sing, NOT some idiot who couldn’t carry a tune if it had a handle.
Kids don’t care about Barbie anymore
If Dan is in jail, I believe that was the original ending.
Even at the time, long before Brooke’s autobiography was published, Teri Shields was known as embodying the stereotype of a pushy stage mother. I remember reading an interview where she was delightedly going on about her then-pre-adolescent daughter and how men were attracted to her. I was pretty young (I’m a couple…
Oh, there’s an emotional bond on the grifter’s side--utter jealousy and rage that she wasn’t invited to the wedding. She is absolutely bonkers. I can’t believe this even made it to court.
Of course he thinks that. Remember what he said to Comey in his tacky Queens accent? “I wantcha loyalty.” He was cosplaying the Mob.