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    Ah, memories of the glorious showmance...

    What the hell?

    I thought Brad Pitt told Weinstein to stay the hell away from her?

    I literally LOLed at that! A+ gif.

    Also an episode of The Brady Bunch.

    Late-1800s/early 1900s (so, at the height of the British empire), the exchange rate was super-strong, something like $4-5 to the £. (Reading The Secret Garden and A  Little Princess, I finally asked my parents how much shillings and pounds were.)

    Yes! My friend and I are also planning champagne.

    EastEnders would like a word.

    Who’s Vincent Gal—oh, it’s that guy.

    It’s worth pointing out that in her book, she talks about having been groomed and eventually molested by a teacher when she was in the 8th grade. The guy isolated her from her friends, told her the other girls were jealous of her, praised her for being “mature” and “special.” And eventually molested her in his car

    I have no idea why now the Razzies are getting criticism only now for their nomination of children, they’ve been doing it forever. They nominated Aileen Quinlan (9 yo) for Annie and Mara Hobel (also age 9, nominated twice by the Razzies, way to stick to the Man, guys!) for Mommie Dearest. And I really think it’s only

    Right? Watching that video (for the first time I think since that incident happened), I find both the thrower’s aim (right to the head!) and Bush’s quick reflexes very impressive!

    Think of the synergy!

    I read that article in mounting horror this morning between the classes I teach, like seriously, Woody? Et tu? Universe is gonna ruin him away for me like it did Loretta Lynn and James Caan (both hardcore Trumpers).

    Yeah, I wouldn’t mind learning more about the factory blowing up during the Easter Egg hunt. 

    The murder of Adrian Mellon in the novel, when he was thrown off the bridge during the festival, was actually inspired by a real-life incident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Charlie_Howard.

    He did the same “swallow your fricatives” (Ds and Ts) thing that Robert Pattinson did in Twilight. “I’m on a special thieth” (instead of diet). I think they all study the same YouTube video or something :) 

    Oh my God. I well remember those older editions of the Hardy Boys—-yikes. Same with the original editions of the Bobbsey Twins—the depiction of Sam and Dinah is jaw-droppingly racist. And in the first volume Flossie makes sure her “colored” doll is separated from her other dolls in the drawer where they “sleep” by

    I think her wardrobe is supposed to be meh so...success?

    I know that’s DeSantis’s point—but not every parent in Florida is as stupid as he wants them to be. As ruby red as its legislature is, the population is more nuanced than that, as evidenced by the surprisingly liberal ballot initiatives that get passed from time to time there. At some point the intelligent ones are