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    Firstly, she called it an assault, which is a lot more than most other celebs at the Oscars did, so is definitely not making light of it.


    This explains that Onion article earlier today! jeeeee-zus...

    We are proud for you. Kansas really stepped up here. Thank you.

    You just know Zelding was thrilled, with all the extra publicity he got out of it. I certainly had never heard of him before the incident.

    Thank you. I don’t understand why this site consistently gives oxygen to these people. Who cares what Covfefe thinks about this? He wanted your attention and you just gave it to him. Now he’s high-fiving with the other deplorables because he’ “triggered” Jezebel. Okay, then?

    GAA didn’t scare me off drugs, probably because I was 11 when I read it and it all just kind of went over my head (even as I was lapping it up breathlessly).

    Someone should do a Trumpian photoshop of that famous Flowers in the Attic cutaway cover with the four blonde kids and the grandfather behind them, reaching for them.

    As truly terrible as these people are, I have the slightest smidgen of sympathy for the bewildered child Jr. used to be, the one who supposedly didn’t speak to his father for nearly a year because of the press humiliation his mother experienced, the one who told his awful father “you don’t care about us, you only care


    The reaction to Beanie’s performance makes me embarrassed to be a part of the theater community. Some theater people take such joy in being absolutely horrible people, with the most scathing put downs. I really hate that.

    If it’s the same thing, the site was Ravelry which banned support of Covfefe on their forums b/c of his open embrace of white supremacy. Ravelry has a posted policy supporting inclusive values. So it wasn’t anything about a “woke new knitting technique,” just the same old crap in a different context.

    And when he does get involved with women, it’s almost always tactical--he’s trying to protect his crew or solve a mystery or something. There’s a wonderful essay out there called “Kirk Drift,” about the misconception that TOS Kirk was this swaggering womanizer on wheels.

    Cases in point, Kellyanne Conway and of course Steve Bannon. Literally, living portraits of Dorian Gray.

    Thank you. I seriously hate the stupid idea that Battle Royale was the only story in the last 2000 years to have thought of a death match between kids. Collins even told us that she’d borrowed the idea of the Games from the Roman gladiator games, and the idea of the two teenage tributes of either gender from the Greek

    And also (pedantic nitpick alert) should it not be “the first Black man after Reconstruction elected to the Senate...”?

    Oh God, please say yes. 

    Exactly. The point isn’t the children. The point is to punish women.

    I’ve seen him many times in person. Yes, he is!

    It’s got groove, it’s got meaning.