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    I served on a jury once. I remember during the voir dire process, during a recess, I was hanging out in the hallway with a couple of other prospective jurors. And one of them was pissy about the fact that if we were chosen, we weren’t supposed to watch crime procedurals or any TV show about the law. She was sniping



    You’re a troll, attempting to deflect attention by claiming others are trolls

    maciver is a troll.

    You’re a troll.

    Didn’t Boebert’s husband expose himself to teenagers?

    THANK YOU. To all of this.

    I’ve read the novel of Jaws many times. It was quite an eye-opener for ten-year-old me. I was like “WOW, is that what grownups really do???”

    I honestly hate a lot of Season 1. Thank goodness they made those changes.

    There is only one film worthy of the title Death of a Cheerleader, and that is the original, with Tori Spelling and Kellie Martin. The remake suuuuucks. Two of the oldest-looking HS sophomores I’ve ever seen and it in no way looked like it took place in the ‘80s. (To be fair, neither did the original but it’s so well

    Perfection is the enemy of progress.

    Oh, Cruise was great in Taps. “It’s beautiful, man!” as he’s strafing (wait--can you strafe when you’re stationary? Or do you have to be flying above?) the courtyard. That whole movie was fantastic.

    Also the people who believe every school shooter was bullied—I have a good friend (whom I personally think was actually bullied in HS—she hasn’t said so but she so often brings up he topic, I think she experienced some bad things) who said after the Virginia Tech shooting that “[shooter] must’ve gone through hell.”

    He went on a full-on rant outside the building after he was escorted out. It was glorious. Yes, journalists were trying to ask him questions but he had something to say. He absolutely gutted Abbott and his legislative record. Facts, figures and receipts.

    Very seedy! I read it at a much-too-young age and was agog at all the goings-on. I found Ellen’s pre-lunch ritual where she changed in the bathroom of the gas station (the part where she put talcum powder in her bra) bizarrely fascinating.

    Someone needs to take one for the team and cough in her face.

    Yup. She took an enormous amount of goodwill and lit it on fire. Eff her and I hope her career tanks now. Not to mention her desperately, trying to spin it “I’m so proud of myself’—no, you’re not. You’re rattled that there’s been so much pushback to your shitty unscientific selfish opinions and you’re trying to

    The other part is that King is hard to adapt, with a lot of internal dialogue and narrative.

    Just like in The Seven Year Itch.