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    Rachel wasn’t rich at all. Anna’s hijinks undoubtedly ruined her credit score for a long time.

    Oh God, yes. The ‘70s were a hellscape when it came to actor safety and the ignoring of boundaries. The Exorcist, Last Tango in Paris—so many screwed-over actors, all in the name of cowboy “artistry.”

    Responding with an ad hominem attack and not a strong counterargument definitely convinces me you’re right. Well done, Not At All Overly Invested Dude!

    And he was pissed that Jennifer Jason Leigh’s sex scenes weren’t more “upbeat”? Her character was 15 and the scene where she loses her virginity intentionally depicts statutory rape. I think upbeat might have been the wrong tone.

    I did! Bought the novelization as well. Still remember the trailer “...in a world where love and escape do NOT compute.” And that great soundtrack!

    I’m an actor and this is a stupid take. Blocking a scene is in no way sanitizes “art.” Rather it protects all participants and establishes a professional dynamic.

    “What? Kicking him in the nuts is what my character would do! And I couldn’t warn him or I wouldn’t have gotten a real reaction!”

    Jesus, talk about an unforced error. They did everything they could to help him not be That Older Guy Who Doesn’t Get It but nope, he knew better. No fool like an old fool.

    The first season was so different from the ones that followed. They almost pulled a Facts of Life, it was so different. Samantha, yes, was much more pathetic in the first season—she became awesome later on as the show started serializing more which required better writing for the quartet.

    Also, Maine voters: Come the fuck on.


    And then if Harry wants to complain that Netflix is also making a different show that depicts his mom unfavorably,

    I loved Paterfamilias! Probably my favorite episode! The spooked expression on young Philip’s face as he walked through that town bedecked in Nazi regalia for the funeral for his sister and her family—that poor kid. And later his utter, utter inability to understand who Charles really was and where he would

    Within its pages you might find photos of a naked football game, or copy extolling the merits of a good old-fashioned circle jerk, which the magazine described as a “pleasant and supersafe alternative” to an orgy.

    Good God. Keep your black male cuck fantasies out of the AV Club, ‘kay? That was disturbing af to read.

    Honey, I’m a cradle Episcopalian. We do not prioritize the Bible the way other, much more conservative religions do—the mass and the BCP are much more important. We don’t take the Bible literally and we are encouraged to let God and Christ’s teachings of love guide our heart, rather than blindly follow rules that were

    I’m a devoted Christian and I certainly don’t believe that abortion is genocide, or murder. Don’t you dare try to put words in my mouth or speak for me, or let psychos like that hijack my religion.

    Nah, just a nitpicker (and a part-time proofreader).

    Okay, this definitely sounds like a bogus case but

    Huh. Okay, didn’t realize that was now accepted. It jumps out at me :)