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    who’s caught some flack online

    This person is a troll (read their comments on their page)—do not respond.

    FAR too soon. The post to which you’re responding seems like fan gossip (or wishful thinking) rather than actual industry scuttlebutt.

    Aren’t basically all women using private stalls?!

    Is that what’s wrong with her face. I kept staring at it, wondering...I guess I didn’t think a politician would get plastic surgery.

    If that’s a V reference, well done! I literally giggled out loud.

    I know I’ve seen it—maybe on YouTube, lots of comments about how “annoying” she is and “I’m rooting for Jack to finish the job,” that sort of thing.

    Her son! Interesting, why do you say that?

    Of course he’s making it up. (And knowing the term “key bump” just means he’s watched the right movies.) I mean, does anyone imagine that someone in the GOP, not exactly known for its principles of inclusivity, is going to invite someone in a wheelchair to an orgy?

    Headline: ANDREW GUILIANI LOOKS AT BABY DAUGHTER’S GENITALS, SAYS HE’S HER BOYFRIEND! Yeah, that’ll get you elected in New York State!

    Ewwwwwwwwww! JFC! You’re her boyfriend? WTAF?

    Right? If you are against everyone weighing in on this incident, then...don’t aggregate stories about it?

    That transformation happened almost immediately. Following the case where the white woman called the cops on the guy who asked her to leash her dog (the Central Park case) in 2020, Karen emerged as the nickname of any white woman who weaponizes her race. This lasted about a week and then white incels arguing on Star

    “Ivanka” works for me.

    Thank you! Love didn’t “make” you do shit--YOU chose to make a huge jackass of yourself, Will. 

    I’m literally guffawing at my desk rn. Sorry, I have nothing to witty, just wanted you to know.

    “I’m living in a RomCom!” *vomit*

    Oh, for God’s sake. This would mean basically eliminating women’s competition. 

    You’re right, I had forgotten that was in Bowling for Columbine—I was remembering incorrectly. (It still sounded incredibly self-righteous though.) Still, the automatic assumption that these shooters “snapped” because of bullying maddens me—and they were still doing it in 2007 with the Va Tech shooting! I had a friend

    I have not been able to stand MM ever since he made this grand statement about the Columbine shooters, something about how he “would’ve listened to them” when “nobody else would.” It was so staggeringly “let’s make it all about MEEEEE” in the wake of such horror, and he obviously thought they were wounded goth birds