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    First of all, incel is the term they chose—they call themselves that. Second, incels and virgins are not a closed Venn diagram (hoping I’m using those terms correctly). An incel is a male virgin who hates women for not wanting to sleep with him as he feels he is owed, hates men who are able to convince women to sleep

    She’s obviously a supporter and therefore in his camp. And potentially crazy enough to act on Kanye’s aggression toward Pete, which is what I was responding to.

    I’ve told this story before but not sure if here. The fall of 2020—September, I think—I was walking down Lexington Ave here in NYC and I heard someone absolutely shrieking. As I got closer, it appeared it was a young-ish woman, maybe in her 20s/30s. She was walking down the sidewalk absolutely bellowing at everyone on

    *Sigh.* For some reason I can’t edit this post, even though it’s within the 15-minute window.  The WP article on Leaving Neverland has a section devoted to its critical reception which was overwhelmingly positive.

    Also, curious that you use Neverland as an example considering that film is widely regarded to be a misleading fabrication. Then again, people love MJ a whole lot more than Manson...

    I love how much [Wes Craven] loves movies

    To be fair, I see that mistake a lot, along with errors like “reign it in” (instead of “rein it in,” as in how you guide a horse).

    Flak is the word you want. A flack is a PR person.

    Good God.

    I was a child and thought he was lying.

    Down boy. Here’s a Liv-a-Snap.

    BIG fan here of women’s gymnastics, and following anyone on social media is gross. Every time McKayla Maroney posted she would get absolutely flooded with super gross comments like “stay sexy.” This is a world class athlete, you nasty creeper! Stop commenting on her looks! UGH. She hasn’t posted in FB in years because

    The final season sucked but as long as THOSE TWO aren’t part of this, I will happily watch a preview. But fuck THOSE TWO.

    Someone’s a little defensive that their fan-fiction wasn’t received well.

    I mean, mostly--but she also stole from the Vanity Fair writer, who certainly wasn’t uber-wealthy.

    No, no, no, the parallel the show is trying to establish is with Carrie going to Paris with Aleksander. Miranda yelled at her “You’re living a fantasy!”

    Right? This stupid idea that judged sports aren’t “really” sports—I guess boxing isn’t a sport then. Or any sport that requires a referee. It’s just another form of gatekeeping.

    It’s the French word for shark. Probably because they’re in Vietnam, a former French colony. Not sure why they’re using an English article with a French word.

    I’ve met her. (A very good friend of mine is a friend of hers and gets invited to all his parties.) He told me “Do NOT ask her about Gilligan’s Island.” So when I was introduced I said I was a huge fan of the TV series Dallas and her face lit up. (She played Julie Grey, an early secretary/mistress of JR’s.) She was so

    Oh my God, I’m dying! Yes, I just barely remember actual sanitary belts. My grandmother called them “Kotex.” Remember the cardboard tubes as well--what do they look like now? After the first Are You There God-inspired flush of womanhood, I hated getting my period and was thrilled when early menopause happened.