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    Yup. I was wildly uncomfortable with the idea of tampons and didn’t transition to them until just before my senior year of college. (I had a bad accident overnight and was disgusted into immediate transition. My mom helped and suggested lube.)

    Right? They are painfully unfunny for a supposed comedian.

    Wouldn’t cross-examining someone for six hours as punishment (i.e., asking obviously stupid, immaterial questions for the sole purpose of keeping her under cross-examination) constitute badgering the witness?

    Oh, she’s so effing talented. Absolutely fantastic in the first Hunger Games movie and I saw her in the Scottish play off-Broadway--she was excellent.

    Once upon a time he was a respected pro-environment lawyer who did some good. But he has been a trash fire for quite some time now. I think it started manifesting when he caped for his murderer cousin over and over and over. Truly a repellant person. Framing himself as a victim on a level with Anne Frank--you fucking

    He also used to go after Greta Thunberg on the regular, called her brainwashed.

    Oh my God, that cafeteria! It was everything I expected it would be—it absolutely lived up to the hype. The office where they placed me was near Anna Wintour’s office—I briefly saw her behind her desk once or twice. And at the end of the two weeks ALT’s assistant took me to the swag closet and stocked me up with a ton

    I had the amazing good luck to have done a two-week temp assignment for Vogue sometime in the early aughts. I was the assistant to Talley’s assistant, and he was consistently kind and supportive to menial ol’ me. The whole experience was extraordinary and I cherished his kindness, and always looked forward to seeing

    That’s wonderful. Good for the Auburn community. I feel super protective of her (huge gymnastics fan) after the way she and the rest of the team stepped up last summer to win the silver. (And then of course when she won AA gold.) She is a treasure and these incels can fuck right off.

    JFC. As though this kid doesn’t have enough to deal with already. (Father is paralyzed, she was pepper-sprayed by some racist POS, aunt and uncle died of Covid.)

    Right? I don’t think this article even should’ve been posted because I DON’T FUCKING CARE. Britney and her sister are embarrassing themselves with this public feud. Take it to text, or phone.

    Easy, a choice Sam made in a past leap eliminated all of that fashion.

    One of my favorite movies of all time (as many others feel, I know). And yes, the payoff is that incredible scene at the end. The subtext powers everything in that scene—I love the halted way she delivers “I am...so glad to hear you say that.” And then—”Each in its own way—Rome. By all mean, Rome.” She’s incandescent.

    Oh God, that would be comedy GOLD. Netflix! Make this!

    I don’t know if you’re kidding but I have a feeling you’re not. Roddenberry was weirdly obsessed with sex and sexual organs, in a cringe-inducing “14 year old boy” kind of way. He wanted one of the original characters in TNG to have three (maybe six?) breasts and I think it was D.C. Fontana who noped that suggestion.

    The overreaction was ludicrous and performative, IMO. Sure, it was tone deaf. But the “outrage” was ridiculous. She didn’t murder a puppy, she sang Imagine, FFS.

    There’s something dreadfully Dorian Grey-ish going on. Same with Cosby. Just vile creatures turning into vile-looking creatures.

    And yet they’re still rebooting that garbage, misogynistic relic of the early aughts, “Joe Millionaire,” aka “It’s okay to lie to women about how much money you make because women are all gold diggers in their hearts.”

    Oh God, that psycho. Cannot stand her. Her ass should’ve been thrown in prison for assault.

    Danny defeated Johnny with the crane kick. Other than that, you have the basics down.