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    It must be a Mom thing--mine loves them as well.

    Right?!! I thought Turkish Delight must be something amazing—Lewis really sells it in the book. I mean, it was so addictive, it compelled Edmund to betray his brother and sisters. Imagine my chagrin when I found out they were just applets and cotlets.

    Oh God, I loved those (I seem to remember we called them Wacky Packies).

    Not just in every paragraph but every sentence—Latina, curves, Latina, brown face, Latina. LatinaLatinaLatina. JFC. A simple WP search to check on their assumptions would’ve saved the poster so much embarrassment.

    SATC was on for six seasons, not eight.

    Beverly Johnson called him out years ago, like in the ‘90s. He was apparently an absolute lunatic toward her.

    Argh. The above sentence should read: “Henry never acknowledged Mary’s children, because he didn’t sire them.”

    Oh God, I haaaaaaaaaate Philippa Gregory’s crap books. I was so disgusted with The Other Boleyn Girl. Her smarmy, tooth-sucking insistence that she could back up her outlandish plot points with original sources—which she refused to reveal—was so ridiculous. Anyone with any knowledge of Henry would recognize that had

    I should’ve prefaced that with good faith replies only. It should go without saying that a strange person invading your workspace and refusing requests to leave like that reads as a threat. Please don’t bother trying to rationalize his actions or demonize hers.

    The hell? Why in God’s name was she given a yellow card for protecting herself?

    I FLOVED Jason Isaac as Hook!

    I despise the people behind the Razzies. I mean, they actually nominated the girl who played Annie. There’s absolutely no need to s*** on a little kid in public like that.

    She went to Princeton, not Brown. Majored in French literature, I think.

    Do you always respond to posts you don’t like with childish insults? Surely you can respond with something kind of substantive comment instead of lashing out?

    It’s really fucking offensive that you’re denying a soldier’s service because—what? He served in Afghanistan, FFS. His life was in danger, just like every other soldier’s out there. There’s been a lot of coverage about it. This is easily verifiable. You just make yourself look uninformed when you deny his service

    He served two tours in Afghanistan. Pretty sure that counts as a real job.

    I love that skit! I still call my former roommate (with whom I watched the skit) “mochaccino boy s****.”

    Whoops! Guess I mixed up my bad ‘80s adaptations of good musicals there. (I will say, the movie of Annie is very well cast.)

    I was the victim of an attempted sexual assault (I was able to fight him off) and “remembered” completely the wrong thing (I think I thought that he had a du rag and he didn’t—or the other way around). I was shocked when I saw the security footage (and thank God there was security footage). Eyewitness memories are

    We’ve Got Annie was written for Anne Reinking, so she could dance.