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    I think McArdle had a little bit of vibrato but she was 13 and a half when she started playing the role. She was already too old to play Annie (this is not a dig on her, she’s obviously iconic and of course got a Tony nomination for Best Actress). But yes, most singers Annie’s age will not have any vibrato.

    She’s pretty young to have vibrato--that usually comes with adolescence.

    I loved it! The kid was great (fantastic little actor!), the orphans were terrific in the tradition of theater moppets working their tushes off and I loved the choreography. I was so glad they didn’t seem to cut any of the numbers from the original score (unlike the ‘82 movie which butchered the score).

    Kirk has a brother who gets killed in Season 1. (Hilariously his dead body is played by Shatner in a mustache.) That is the one and only time it’s mentioned in the series or any of the Prime (non-Kelvan) movies. But there’s a deleted scene for the Kelvan movies when we see George.

    Which: it will. (Saw an article about the projected winter 2022 future of the Texas power grid today.)

    Okay, clearly I am the Whitest White who ever Whited (this is actually true) because I also love Sideways. It’s fascinating to me how two such loathsome people can be so hilariously compelling. But I think you make some interesting points.

    Oh, I love Up In the Air! I always stop and watch it when it’s on cable. Although it’s very sad in places. But I love Ryan’s and Natalie’s relationship.

    I’m not a huge fan of Gibbs as a boss (the constant hitting)—but yeah, slap him again. FUCK DiNozzo. I always detested that character. He was so consistently shitty to everyone around him whom he deemed to be lower than him. It looks as though they cast the right actor.

    Ducky above him. Abby FAR above him.

    He went through a supermassive black hole and time sped up. Today he’s 500 million years older than she is. (I may or may not have watched an episode of Nova Universe Revealed during my workout tonight. It’s not as good as a motivator as you might think.)

    How the hell can that be legal???

    They can’t throw it out if it’s proven the judge was...I don’t know, did something wrong? (I know nothing about this although I did serve on a jury—I’ve been wondering all this week what check there is on this judge who seems horrible.)

    Slughorn stays and fights, he’s one of the three (?) who is dueling with Voldemort.

    I don’t remember that he blamed her but he definitely didn’t stand up for her. He skated away consequence-free, whereas she was blamed for the whole thing. He should’ve spoken up for her.

    Deus ex ghosts is a play on the phrase deus ex machina, which translates literally to God out of the machine. In Greek drama, actors who played the gods were craned onto the stage and often provided a resolution. Nowadays the phrase refers to any conflict which is solved with an unknown, new element—in this case,

    On Pottermore I got sorted into Slytherin and was devastated. (Seriously, I couldn’t believe how upset I found myself.) So I created a new account with a different email and re-took the test and tried as hard as I could to get into *any* other house. I ended up getting re-sorted into Gryffindor. Although it occurred

    I always figured Shakespeare was a Ravenclaw.

    Kreacher doesn’t die, does he? He’s at the Battle of Hogwarts, he leads the charge of the other elves--and he’s explicitly fighting against Voldemort, which is huge character growth.

    I’m so disgusted and angry. I hope that poor girl’s family absolutely wrecks McDonald’s for this. Utterly horrible.

    It’s a great scene. I love how felix felicis is telling him to wait, wait. Slughorn will tell you. I love that whole FF scene in the movie, and I absolutely adore the original memory. “It’s called, as I believe, a horcrux...which is why I came to you...it’ll be our little secret.” Tom plays him so expertly and I love