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    Uh, I am? I read her essay in NY Magazine, it was riveting. No one’s twisting your arm.

    I don’t know about interest but an advance is a bet on the future earnings on your forthcoming book so yes, am pretty sure she had to pay it back. But someone who knows more than I do about publishing should feel free to correct me, if necessary.

    in 2012 she signed a $12 million deal for a memoir which never materialized

    We did! He appears in Season One as then-Councilman Douglas Hamilton’s father--the episode where they’re trying to solve the 40+ year old murder of a Jewish guy and they think the local version of the Klan did it. Great stuff.

    “You disappointed the shit outta me.”

    I’m so glad your daughter is safe.

    Others called her out for attempting to earn sympathy by wearing her dead husband’s wedding ring around her neck in tribute.

    Yeah, really? That’s your take—that the abused orphan should somehow get over the loss of his parents by the age of 13? Oooookey-dokey.

    According to JKR his given name is Harry. Which. Drives. Me. Crazy. Since Harry is a known British nickname for Henry.

    Yes, the wizarding money system is definitely intended as a parody of the old British imperial system of pounds, shillings and pence with its crazy, counter-intuitive math of 12 pence to a shilling and 20 shillings to a pound.

    I want to tweet to him “No matter how terribly you act on your worthless father’s behalf, he will never ever love you any more than he already does—which is to say, not a lot.”

    This. Absolutely this. See also: climate change.

    It’s also for context—the GOP is going crazy trying to nail Clinton for a BJ—the FBI is literally dancing when Linda get Monica to implicate herself while wearing the wire a few episodes ago. Meanwhile an existential threat—actual danger, something real to worry aboutlurks on the horizon.

    The single scariest scene in Halloween (a movie I adore) has to be when Laurie escapes from the house and runs next door, screaming “help me!” and ringing the doorbell. The lights turn on for a second or two—then turn off. There is no better metaphor for Gen X—where the hell are the grownups??? It’s a *terrifying*

    What is the deal with--men who mock women who are known to give BJs? We ALL know men want them. ALL men. Why do so many guys try to shame women for giving them what they desperately want? Never mind, I know the answer--misogyny.

    Look at that handsome big boy!!!! What a lovely story--thank you. I just love stories about animals, especially beautiful animals.


    No kidding. Someone certainly is invested in shitting on Kate. How many comments have they made desperately defending their hottt take? I’ve lost count.

    Oh God. That movie. I almost wish I’d never seen it, it is beyond horrifying.

    When a male blogger says that any girl who likes Twilight deserves to be punched in the vagina—you know it’s just about the misogyny.