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    Damn. I was thinking of subscribing to them because they have a gymnastics documentary I really wanted to watch. So I should just do the free trial then?

    Also the sequence when the town’s power is cut off is well-done, very spooky.

    I had a problem with this in the last sequence--the Myers home is an active crime scene and somehowwwww MM sneaked past everyone to murder Karen?

    God, yes--that whole sequence, the montage of trick or treaters as the sun sets--is spooky as anything. Beautiful cinematography.

    Halloween III ultimately succeeds because it is just so damn weird and it fully commits to said weirdness. It’s also kind of sleazy, what with the boozy doctor hooking up with the nubile grieving daughter in the most perfunctory side-romance ever.

    I work with kids and I try never, ever to comment on the looks of the girls, unless it’s something like “what a pretty dress, you made a good choice this morning!” It’s so ingrained in us though. I’m super conscious about it but occasionally I’ve slipped up.

    All jokes aside, I am effing THRILLED Shatner got this chance. Huge, HUGE Kirk fan here.

    I am enjoying the show very much but I was stunned to find out they’re supposed to be living in Alabama. In 1968. Unh unh. No way would racial relations be that tranquil. Birmingham’s nickname was Bombingham, FFS. It’s the city where they turned fire hoses on children (and of course where they blew up four little

    As long as those two aren’t anywhere near it, I will give it a shot.

    I was gonna say--didn’t she used to be pretty progressive?

    High profile, award-winning show like that? Definitely a resurgence. But she’d also appeared in Black Swan and the 2009 Star Trek.

    I’ve been saying this for years--his narcissism is so extreme it borders on solipsism.

    Read Mary Trump’s book. The entire family is a toxic mess. Covfefe is fully and completely responsible for all his reprehensible actions but I will say, it’s very clear how he turned out as bad, as stupid and incurious and as narcissistic as he is--his entire upbringing has led to what he is.

    Right? I mean, OJ Simpson—who’d misspell cat—”graduated” from USC. That says everything about its rigor. If you’re going to mortgage your soul to get your kid into a school, go big or go home.

    Oh, I know! And I’m sure you know this as well but he wrote himself into the episode—the Marine who talks to Oswald about reading the Communist newspaper. You can see “Lieutenant Bellisario” on the name label on his fatigues.

    Oh yes, I love that episode! I have a history blog and I’m currently writing an apologia of LHO (the episode, not the person)—I love it because you can feel how shattered Bellisario was from the assassination, as were my parents. It wears its heart on its sleeve. (And the music! God, the score is incredible.) It was

    I love your username! One of my favorite Mad Men moments, I love how annoyed Pete is when he says that, as though he’s had to rehash the Glencoe Massacre all the time!

    He was Oswald in my favorite Quantum Leap episode, Lee Harvey Oswald. Terrific character actor and I loved him as Blatch. Love his and Cantone’s nervous, almost abortive New Year’s Eve kiss in the first movie. Rest in peace, dude. We’ll miss you.

    Okay, sorry—my batshit crazy cousin in law (I’ve been screencapping her FB b/c I’m convinced she’s going to off my cousin and I want to be able to show the receipts to the police) posted within minutes of the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash that the Clintons had arranged it. And she was dead serious. *sigh* Sorry I

    God, I wish I had access to the drugs you’re taking.