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    My thoughts exactly. At first I was worried about his being sued--read the article and now I’m worried for his life. A true stand up hero.

    Wait, what? I’ve always heard it was about Warren Beatty.

    I don’t think the Cameron Crowe stand-in is in the movie. He was passing as a teenager (he was in his early 20s) and attended high school with Mike Damone, Mark Ratner, Stacy Hamilton, etc.

    Same. I have a dear friend who has always been vaccine hesitant and she is super blue, super liberal. Eventually she (or her kids) gets the vaccine (and she says she’ll get the Covid vax)—but only after a painfully long time. But yes, it’s mostly a politicized GOP thing--God forbid, they be seen to contradict Dear

    Good. GTFO of healthcare, assholes. You’re clearly too stupid to face facts.

    Fascinating! Thank you for this.

    Exactly. Poll after poll after poll showed the American public did not GAF about his getting a hummer in the White House, or his lying about it. No one cared, other than GOP politicians.

    People should use the hotline to report those who refuse to wear masks. Say that you’re suspicious they had an abortion (but really it’s to punish them for their lack of mask compliance).

    YES. States like Texas and Florida are flippable af. Stop writing them off. They only seem as terrible as they are because of gerrymandering. Shit, if we could flip Georgia (I was astounded—I remembering waking up in a daze on the Friday after the election, thinking “Georgia—we’re ahead in Georgia”), we can flip

    That article was honestly one of the most disturbing things I’ve read in a long time. From the opening few paragraphs detailing what happened to that poor child—the lines imaging what he must’ve thought as he shot down the first drop were especially arresting. To the portrait of that deluded, self-proclaimed maverick

    Well, these dumb fucking puddings are all about science denial even when everyone around them is dying from COVID, so it’s just a short step from that to YOU’RE LYING ABOUT THE WEATHER. Good Lord, that newscaster was calm and cool. Is there an Emmy category for that? Because that is impressive.

    Yeah, fuck him. Hard pass. I can’t even watch his ads.

    Saw this in 2017 when I was still dazed from Election 2016. The song where the woman pilot sings “first woman pilot for a legacy airline” (something like that) hit me HARD. My father was a career legacy pilot (for Delta)—until I saw that musical I had no idea women were flying for legacy liners. For twenty years I

    Starred for the TKAM reference.

    And if Sith Lord from TPM who was literally sliced in half can come back, she can come back. Death is meaningless in that galaxy.

    She is beautiful. I have a soft spot in my heart for her—Jake Tapper had dated her a couple of times before she became involved with Clinton and wrote about for—Citipaper? Whatever the DC version of the Village Voice wasand it was such a sweet, kind portrait of her. I’ve liked him ever since. He could’ve written a

    Damn, those guards were on him with a quickness. Good job, guys!

    I noticed at least one of the screamy anti-vaxxers was covered with tattoos.

    The GOP is dying every day. Most of the Covid deaths are Republicans. I’m just pointing out facts—the vast majority of the people dying in this country are right wing. To quote Covfefe, it is what it is. They’re killing off their own base. They’re a death cult.

    Zimmerfuck stalked a teenager half his size, pointing a weapon at him—the only way he would’ve been able to shoot the gun while supposedly being beaten by Trayvon is if his finger was on the trigger the entire time. So the prosecution should’ve argued that Trayvon was “standing his ground” because Zimmerfuck was