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    Yeah, it seems out of character for Dottie to throw the game after telling the pitcher to throw high ones.

    God, they nailed the casting of all the older women! It was spooky how much they looked like the younger actresses.

    She’s fine in smaller, character roles. She’s terrific in this. (My favorite is her sly, hopeful delivery of “What if, at a key moment in the game, my top bursts open and —ooops!—my bosoms come flyin’ out. That—that might draw a crowd, right?”) It’s when she’s asked to carry the movie that she flops—she doesn’t have

    Whenever someone bashes Christiansen’s acting in AOTC and ROTS, I always point to that movie. He’s terrific in it and yes, Lucas is not an actor’s director. The actors who do well in the prequels are actors who can direct themselves (McDiarmid, MacGregor) but not every actor has that skill or experience. 

    That happened about a week after the Central Park birder incident. Literally, within about a week, every incel and neckbeard in my sci fi fan groups were screaming KAREN and telling women to STFU. I tried to tell them Karen was a racial term—for white women who weaponize their race—but they weren’t having it.

    *sing song* Nailed it! [/ss]

    Thank you! Yes! Virtually his first scene is him trying to sneak away in an escape pod, trying to turn his back completely on the Resistance. The whole Canto Bight sequence (which I enjoyed) plus their near execution on board the Supremacy which ends with him staring down Phasma and aligning himself with the

    Kylo Ren says to Rey when they’re Force communicating (paraphrasing) “Who’s connecting us? It can’t be you, the effort would kill you.”

    Robb was also much younger, yes? Like 14-15, IIRC (and kind of a war strategy prodigy) as opposed to the show’s Robb who was clearly an adult.

    Right? Why are there so many posters here determined to s*** on her? Determined to “prove” how bad she is they think she is? It was disgusting then when she was a kid, it’s disgusting now. Sorry your garage band sucked and never booked more than proms, and it looks like the kid from Friday is maybe getting somewhere.

    Fucking Deadspin had the exact same headline.

    Do you have any idea how dangerous some of her tricks are? Do you know anything about this sport? You DO know that people have suffered irreparable damage (broken necks, etc. —see Elena Mukhina, Julissa Gomez, Sang Lan) in this sport? 

    Absolutely. This ain’t the ‘80s. That mindset started eroding during the ‘90s when all kinds of movie actors--stars--appeared in high profile TV shows (Julia Roberts in Friends, Brooke Shields in Friends and Quantum Leap, Jody Foster voiced the tattoo in an episode of The X Files).

    Good God, the pony fell on her? She’s lucky not to be paralyzed.

    The alternates weren’t on the floor--they’re both in quarantine (one of them tested postive for Covid). It was the three other girls on the four person team--everyone of them had to compete every remaining event. (And yes, they did very well and they should be proud of themselves.)

    she hadn’t been that impressive in the qualifications, at least from what I saw.

    YES< I have the novelization of Rogue One and I agree, it’s fantastic! Krennic’s dying moments--when he realizes the flaw in the design--is absolutely horrific.

    The McDonald’s case was destined to happen. McDonald’s had been warned FOR YEARS that their coffee was way too hot. The woman had third degree burns—her skin was peeling back on itself. What kind of coffee that gives third degree burns is drinkable? Stop buying into the “Ooooh, stupid lady put coffee between her

    God, he’s repulsive. I stopped watching him after Winona Ryder was busted for shoplifting and his whole take was “what? Girls steal. That’s what they do.” Awful, awful, awful.

    I admit, I am a fan of the whole weird Sydney Biddle Barrows saga (I’m a WASP, I was always rooting for her)—that said, she was last decade news by the time The Daily Show premiered.