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    The smug absolutely oozed out of him. I’m a director (theater) and telling us you’re funny kills the comedy. Similarly, telling us you’re cool, you’re smarter, you’re whatever kills it. Let us find out with you. Couldn’t stand him from the jump.

    Once Charles becomes King, all of his grandchildren are entitled to be Prince and Princess—Archie and Lilibet will then be grandchildren in the male line which entitles them to that. This idea that Charles can withhold that is...weird. When Meghan/Harry said that in the interview, it made me wonder if Charles said

    As I understand it, because they are granddaughters in the male line, Beatrice and Eugenie are literally entitled to be Princesses, through an LP issued by either Queen Victoria or George V. It was Edward who acted unusually in refusing the titles of Prince and Princess for his children (and I think they could change

    Side question: why is the sequel so reviled? I really enjoyed it! I love how it demystifies the process of getting a bill passed, in an on-brand bubbly and fun kind of way. (I especially love how they used the Woodstock-editing in the “discharge petition” montage—really witty choice.)

    YES. In the musical, after Elle is humiliated at the party where she shows up in costume, it’s Emmett who convinces her to buckle down. In the movie, she herself has the epiphany about how Warner deep down doesn’t respect her and she herself who deals with that pain by determining to prove him wrong. Much better and st

    Oh my GOD. Jesus Christ.

    I said it upthread but—really fantastic book.

    Fantastic book.

    There was a series of books written in the late ‘70s-early ‘80s, all about Han--Han Solo at Stars’ End, Han Solo’s Revenge and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. The Big Bad in that was something called the Corporate Sector Authority and it was both 1) realistically scary and antagonistic and 2) not the Empire.

    It is absolutely flawlessly cast and their terrific energy and the score really help to sell it. It’s got its flaws but I enjoy it tremendously.

    Don’t be silly, it’s just a flesh wound...

    It’s better than that Harry Potter/the Giant Squid in the Lake fic was.

    I’m going to be that person only because it’s in the headline—it’s Horsewomen. (Also, if you’re going to capitalize horsewomen, you should capitalize apocalypse.) Otherwise, Carrie on! ;P

    it would in fact be a *disadvantage* because it would slightly increase your drag.

    Thumbs up for the tarpeian rock reference.

    Watching it right now! One of my favorites on any day, not just the Fourth.

    Yeah, WTF cares if he’s “corny”? Have you MET Joe Biden? His whole brand is “I’ve been through a shitton of pain, I’ll hug you because I care (and I won’t chuck paper towels at you) and let’s just get the grownups back in charge.” This whole article is missing the point spectacularly. If you want edgy, elect, I don’t

    Whenever someone offers an explanation, there’s always someone waiting in the wings, just champing at the bit to jump and scream about how they’re “whining” or “offering excuses.” Stories like this bring judge-y *ssh*l*s out the woodwork. They live for them.

    Isn’t the tendency to bald inherited from the mother?

    I was gonna say, DD was THE reason I first started watching the show. I didn’t care at all about the scripts, I used to watch it with the sound turned off. Man was foine.