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    Carolyn definitely got the looks in the family. I still remember the pictures from when she left the police station (?) after being arrested for shoplifting--she looked absolutely stunning.


    I fucking loved TLJ. Ren’s “let the past die. Kill it if you have to”--just fantastic. A brilliant re-imagining of ESB--loved Rey’s version of “Luke kills Vader in the tree” vision.

    Oh my God. Requiem has to be one of saddest, most depressing movies ever made. I refuse to watch it ever again. And once I read the summary for Kids when it was released, I knew I would hate it.

    Seriously! WTF cares what she thinks? She’s an irrelevant loser. She has no committee positions and because of that and because her party is the minority, her vote is irrelevant. She’s running on “Ah’m ownin’ the LIBS!” fumes. Ignore her. You’re just making it easier for her to raise re-election funds.

    I remember watching that as well. Not being Roman Catholic, it hit me differently—I was like “huh, what’s that about.” It was only later I realized what a big deal it was.

    YES, Nate and Andi’s friends are the worst. Nate is even more insufferable in the book. And the whole premise is ridiculous—the movie smoothed over a lot of the rough edges from the book (which not great) but the idea that all of Andi’s NYC friends can’t understand why she just doesn’t quit is ridiculous.

    Everything I’ve read and seen about Kaufman has convinced me the guy was a giant a-hole. 

    That’s...what I thought. Der sheisse!

    I have heard—I understand this is a perhaps unfair generalization—that Germans are fixated on excrement. Didn’t Martin Luther write about—crapping on the Devil? Or something like that? I could be entirely wrong.

    oh fuck—all these comments are effing hilarious but this one sent me over the edge--I think it’s because I was quoting the Indianapolis monologue earlier today

    How ballsy was she in the arena, daring Snow to take her out—in an arena that is designed to be deadly (because the designers knew the Victor tributes would find it more difficult to kill each other, since they’re all friends—hence there’s a mortal hazard in every single hour of the clock)? “You can’t kill all of us!”

    Effie’s last scene in Catching Fire, where she says goodbye, “we’re a team, aren’t we?.....You deserved so much more” is heart-breaking. One of the Capitol’s most privileged citizens realizing how terrible the system is. One of the best side characters and a welcome note of levity.

    They absolutely know it. They make jokes about competing in the “non-Simone” division. When she first started dominating in 2013-2014, there was a fair amount of saltiness from some people, and even racism (Hi, Russian media!). Svetlana Khorkina was pissed that Simone surpassed her medals total and of course was a

    Oh God, I fucking LOVE that scene! I love how irritated he is, like every single day he has to fend off these ridiculous accusations about an event that happened nearly 300 years ago!

    And if any dude who watched it took away that Don was some kind of hero, that would just tell me that particular dude isn’t very bright.

    He was ABD at Yale in...English literature, I think? He’s smart as hell.

    Oh God, that fucking judge. That FUCKING judge. The mantears for the monster who destroyed women and little girls. Fuck him.

    We can call it The Anger Games!

    The Queen Mary 2 crosses the Atlantic directly.