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    Oh God. I think I’ve only seen that scene in its entirety just once. I can’t bear to watch it. If it comes up, I always mute it and turn away. That’s man’s raw agony is too difficult to watch.

    Dayum. But good for her. The first Divergent is reasonably entertaining but after a couple of viewings you realize SO MUCH of the movie (and the sequel) is “drink this potion and something will happen.” Plus the world-building made NO sense.

    No, Slugsy definitely fought. One of my favorite characters.

    Agreed except that they left out why Snape and Lily’s friendship ended. I saw it on opening night and was chatting with some kids who hadn’t read the books. I ran into them after the movie ended me and they asked me “But why did they stop being friends?” But yes, that was a gorgeous sequence.

    I saw him in Equus! He was terrific.

    Silver Chair is my mother’s favorite of the series—mine less so. It was so gloomy and underground. When I got older and realized the Lady of the Green Kirtle was likely based on La Belle Dame Sans Merci, I did like that touch.

    HHB is great! Aravis is such a fantastic character!

    He’s not a tame lion.

    The Last Battle is fucked UP. Great book but I was sobbing wildly as a ten year old at certain parts. Very, very dark--Shift (the Big bad) is basically the Anti-Christ.

    You sound unhinged, posting effectively the same comment over and over again.

    Wait, what? Maybe Joey and to a lesser extent Chandler but Ross earned his career, as did Monica and Rachel. The latter two in particular were shown as having paid their dues.

    It’s a dick move. I’m an actor and have sat in on many conferences/workshops/classes where directors reveal their weirdly arbitrary reasons for cutting someone. I remember one tool, responding to a question about “is it okay if we use monologues from movies?” and him loftily responding “well, to me, that says you

    Hawaii had a lot of crazy antics but it also took a very serious look at Ruthie’s alcoholism. And most of the cast were real and likable people. As insane as Teck could get, I still love his indignant “what if we have company?!” when someone (Ruthie?) broke a glass. That reaction just seemed so...normal and middle

    That was far and away the highwater mark of The Real World. It’s embarrassing how terrible and tawdry the show became. But damn, if that wasn’t some of the finest reality TV ever. God bless you, Pedro.

    If you haunt any online royalty forum, what happened to Marie Antoinette is part of a spectrum of weaponized misogyny toward royal women. The vitriol spewed toward Meghan Markle (and, honestly, Kate before she came along) is insane in some of these places. And MA was far from the most notorious victim—the last Russian

    He could’ve done a JFK and made a self-deprecating “I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to France” joke and inspired admiration for his self-confidence, but instead he chose to pout because all of his life he’d drawn the crowds and now his wife was outperforming him.

    Right? This is the same guy who pouted because crowds were far more interested in his gorgeous charming wife than him.

    As a HUGE animal lover, that story literally sickened. Who in God’s name would do that? If you decide to get a dog, you obviously like dogs—why do something that terrifying to your pet? Is he a sociopath? That poor, poor creature. It really saddens me.

    Aw, I actually loved the Jennifer Hudson character in the first movie. She was so sweet and guileless, and at the same time so hyper-competent.

    He did indeed.