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    Also Ben didn’t, you know, kick the crap out of some poor Vietnamese guy and throw rocks at some black kids while he was a teenager.

    That is AWESOME.

    THIS. As I posted on FB, Ansel Algort’s casting as Tony is very on-brand. For a guy who was an active gang member just a month ago, Tony is kind of bland. The most interesting thing he does is lose his shit when Riff is killed and pick up the knife.

    That is awesome!

    My older brother is nearly five years older than I am. He remembers absolutely loving Mary Poppins and is very pro-Disney. But when I started seeing Disney movies in the theaters (other than re-released classics like Fantasia and Alice in Wonderland which they did periodically), they were in their crap period. I

    I was stunned when I found out that the parks do a booming honeymoon business. I cannot think of a less sexy way to spend a honeymoon than to be surrounded by hot, hungry children.

    Completely agree. Giving her any kind of a platform contributes to her normalization, just as Jimmy Fallon’s infamous ruffling of Covfefe’s hair made him seem like any old grandpa, instead of the racist narcissist he actually is.

    I’m fully vaccinated in six days and I’m planning a maskless mojito gettogether with a couple of my also-vaxxed friends.

    As a WASP, my absolute favorite is the depiction of Penguin’s parents. The bit where they view their mutant son, exchange a look and then toss back martinis—*chef’s kiss.* That is my people.

    Does this mean MTG is actually a Jewish space laser then?

    Right and it was widely considered a tragedy by the family, as well as a complete abdication of a godly duty. The Queen Mother never forgave David and Wallis for what she viewed as bring her husband to an early grave from the stress. (At the same time they recognize what a disaster David would’ve been as King, what

    Two of Diana’s three siblings have red hair, and Harry’s nose and eyes are nothing but Windsor.

    My freshman year of HS, I went to a large regional school where sports were very important. Our gym was wall-to-wall state titles. When I made it onto the varsity girls soccer team as a freshman, it was a big deal. Except that I hated it and hated our coach, who was an abusive screaming prick. He insulted us, insulted

    Definitely—this is all about shadowy data reporting. The dude had a rogue (i.e., wouldn’t kowtow to his draconian “give me the numbers and I’ll decide what to do” edicts) scientist arrested. I would never trust anything that came from De Santis’s office. He is a liar and a Covfefe wannabe.

    YESSSSSSS. JFC, how boring that got. Wouldn’t it have been so much easier if he’d been genuinely besotted with Sansa and surprised us all? The way he pretended to be? And maybe explore Sansa’s terror as she’s trying to tame this beast who is infatuated with her but a complete savage to everyone else? I burst out

    God, I couldn’t stand anything Ramsay-related. Anytime he was on screen I heaved an impatient sigh and grabbed strong drink.

    It really wasn’t--I found the movie’s treatment of devout Christians rather sweet.

    Right? I thought he was gae. Maybe he’s bie?

    How the hell does behavior like hers--around her children, no less--win her custody of her biracial children? This is fucking awful. Those poor, poor kids.

    Prince Philip isn’t fair—he’s nearly 100, of course he isn’t swoonworthy now. Google what he looked like when he was in his 20s, the man was a Viking god. There’s a reason a young Princess Elizabeth fell hard.