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    I haven’t read absolutely all the Cleary oeuvre but I don’t think it was Ramona who pulled the beet—it was Ellen Tebbits (and her friend Austine helped her clean up).

    A sunny place with shady people :)

    I’m pretty sure Caroline and Ernest are permanently separated, and live completely apart. And yes, he is a piece of work. 

    It’s like the end of a TOS Star Trek episode!

    I am laughing in bafflement right now....what?? I mean, those are words but what is he trying to say? My head hurts.

    As I posted on FB when this story first broke, “my eyebrows are on the CEILING right now.”

    The comparison to ancient Rome occurred to me as well. They were big on adult adoption.

    He also founded two charitable organizations.

    Yeah, as an actor that’s not what chemistry really is. If anything IRL couples often have poor or boring chemistry—romantic chemistry (there are different types of chemistry between actors) is often there are still things to discover between the two and that energy drives the scenes. You can develop chemistry by

    I’m so, so sorry for your loss. It’s awful enough to lose anyone violently--it’s SO much worse for this public dimension to it, wherein everyone weighs in and opines--I can’t even imagine how that affects the grieving process. That is disgusting about the misspelled name. Grief is so goddamn hard.

    She was Prom Queen but point taken.

    F***, I’m totally laughing my ass off in unwilling empathy right now.

    The real life political parallels were not exactly subtle this episode!

    God, that rag is such racist crap. Of course their readers want to strip them of their titles, and have jack-all to say about Prince Pedo.

    And he was f*cking MARRIED at that! Dude was MARRIED!

    The sequel had instead “Moesha, Moesha, Moesha!”

    (From the pilot)

    Great article—I have more thoughts and will post later. But the historian nitpicker in me had to respond to this:

    Bennie can attest to that.

    Oh my GOD. I just—I am sitting here just cringing with vicarious mortification, with that stompy, pouty storming off. Does he have any ANY idea how utterly pathetic he appears? This is Trumpian levels of petty and vengeful. WOMEN DON’T OWE YOU JACKSHIT. Even if she agreed to meet again—maybe she was saying that to get