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    Didn’t cost a fortune neither!

    Yeah, that was some serious “here’s some Ben-Gay for your sprained back after that insane reach.”

    Right?! How can anyone possibly drink coffee that is so hot, it inflicts third degree burns? And they’d been warned many times before. Fuck McDonald’s and their smear campaign on an old lady. And I believe initially she was just asking them to cover her medical expenses.

    Oh God, yes. He’s terrible at endings. Only his earlier stuff nails them. That said, I still rather like the original ending of The Stand (minus the Flagg appears in Brazil)—with Stu struggling to understand how little human nature has changed, even with such a disaster as this. I don’t know.

    Ruth’s loyalty to Wilford is mostly played for laughs these days, even though that loyalty is extremely dangerous and potentially violent!

    Wait, what?! 15? Isn’t that illegal?

    YUP. Grew up in the DC area, still call it National. Always.

    Oh my God...I know the ending to Citizen Kane and I’ve never even seen it. That’s one of the most famous endings in the history of the industry, for God’s sake.

    THANK YOU. The handwringing over spoilers for everything is super annoying. And yes, someone in my HS English class freaking out because they didn’t know Othello died in the end. A friend of mine of FB demanded that no one post about..I think it was Endgame (I’ve watched hardly any of these super hero movies so I’m

    She has a spring loaded knife (or is it a banana? I forget).

    I feel like this episode did the exact opposite of what it was trying to accomplish. New Vegas is the first time anyplace in this version of The Stand has looked the least bit fun.

    Yes yes YES. I specifically remember Glen saying “the techies” will drift to Flagg. And yes, Lloyd is tragic—he too kind of drifted into crime and he recognizes how scary Flagg is but feels he has no other true option than to stay with him. Flagg even sees that in him. Miguel Ferrer was effing fantastic in the ‘90s

    (Slightly related—I think Marsden’s doing a good job as Stu, but it would certainly complicate the Harold-Frannie-Stu dynamic if Stu actually looked like a 40-ish guy who used to spend a lot of time drinking beer at the gas station. Marsden looks like he’s just about to age out of his contract as an Abercrombie model,

    I remember her seduction of him being much more subtle, and also slightly anxious knowing how fine the line was between pleasing and displeasing Flagg.

    Oh God, yes! The Dead Zone seems so forgotten sometimes and it’s so perfectly crafted. I cry like a baby at the end, when she’s at his grave. And just like King predicted the incel in Harold, he predicted Covfefe in Greg Stillson.

    It’ll be an archive of tweets.

    “Hysteria”? Seriously? 400K+ dead?

    Yes, THIS. Context is everything. Clinton was campaigning when the country was in a much better place; Biden was campaigning when our republic had been dealt a series of body blows. Even so, were it not for the pandemic and, more relevantly, Covfefe’s spectacularly solipsistic reaction to it, Biden probably would’ve

    Dorian Gray syndrome. Kelly Anne suffers from the same thing. I was shocked to discover she and I were both born the same year--I still get carded, FFS!

    Oh my God, that line literally made me giggle out loud.