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    oh my GOD

    It just cracks me up. I think it’s the way it’s simultaneously nasty and yet somehow affectionate. (I almost invariably refer to him as Covfefe, myself. I’m so known for this on FB, on 11/7 one of my friends posted on my page a tweet from someone saying “It’s Covfover.”)

    Every time a Jez poster calls him Waddles, an angel gets their wings.

    Right? I never had a very good opinion of him because he was just so fucking thirsty. SO desperate for attention. The gold leaf. The “I’m a billionaire.” My WASP family mocked him. But then, when Rosie O’Donnell made a harmless joke about his ugly-ass combover—a very quick mimicking of it—he couldn’t. let. it. go.

    Oh God, that’s such a great book.

    Thanks. What can I say, I remember everything :)

    I am so sorry for your loss. And that must’ve been a terrifying day for her.(Seriously, think about it—national troops firing on unarmed college students? And two of the dead weren’t even protesting*, they were on their way to class.) Thank you for sharing. You should consider getting the Michener book—I’m sure it’s

    After today, his mob nickname is clearly Donny Two Times.

    Haven’t thought of her in a while. She was part of the NYC drowsy late-summer news cycle just before 9/11 broke—Grubman, the cop who got hammered at Wild Wild West and ran over some people, the Little Leaguer whose team went very far in the LL World Series and then it turned out he was 14 and too old. And not NYC but

    Hadn’t heard that! That would indeed help us. God, I hope that’s true.

    Both 1969 and 1970 were deeply fucked-up, insane years. I remember once watching an old episode of Laugh-In with my mom and there was a skit where the performers were dancing around singing goodbye to 1970 and it was clear they were very glad to put it in the past. When I was older I came across what had to have been

    Wait--are you taking about the Kent State Massacre? Because that was on May 4, 1970. There was a lot of unrest leading up to the massacre, is that what you mean?

    Robin Ficker! Total nutcase but in these circumstances we can leverage that for good.

    Well, it now looks as though they’re improving—McConnell said he was onboard with impeachment. Says he wants to rebuild the GOP. And he has coattails.

    That is *exactly* what I am thinking as well. Those fucking thugs literally wanted to HANG HIM. They were carrying rope. They were screaming HANG MIKE PENCE. They set up a goddamn gallows just outside. For a few days or so, I assumed he was in shock. Now? I honestly think he’s reacting like a battered spouse. I have

    If he gets impeached or if he gets convicted? To lose all that, I think it’s the latter (he’s already been impeached once) and for a conviction, even if the trial is post-inauguration (which it almost certainly would be), we need a 2/3 majority to convict which probably will not happen. It might but don’t get your

    Oh, the injustice! Now I have to go to the Dark Web for my Scat Play app.

    My own brother unfriended me on FB after years of bullying me on my own page. I never lost my temper with him (although my friends were angry and would go full ham on him). Until one day when I posted to make sure you’re registered, give yourself plenty of time to request a ballot if you need to, etc. because memos

    I agree. And as much as I loved the revised edition released in 1990, it nonetheless still felt very much set in the ‘70s [SPOILERS]—the dystopian look at NYC, and nobody was singing anything like “Baby, can you dig your man?” in 1990. And this series is supposed to take place after the invention of the internet and

    “Life finds a way.”