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    Fran is actually in college--there’s a scene in the beginning where she remembers going to the college medical center and fumbles through an awkward conversation about medically needing the Pill and she wishes she could’ve just said “Gimme the pill, I’m gonna f***.”

    Oh my God, the “no great loss” chapter—absolutely justified the revision, all by itself. Fantastic mosaic of the aftermath. That plus the [SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER] scene where Nadine is playing with the Ouija board with her friends in college and Flagg reaches out to her.

    That’s right! She was pregnant! Didn’t they show her with the boy who was the father at the beginning, them breaking up or something? I totally forgot about that.

    I was pleasantly surprised to see JK Simmons in the Ed Harris role, but I don’t recall him helping Stu escape. He was around a while and finally killed himself.

    Does he even have her number?

    I have been playing my own version of Whack a Mole on FB, tirelessly* pointing out over and over again that the 1st amendment is only about governmental suppression of speech, and even that freedom isn’t absolute (yelling fire in a crowded theater, etc.). Any private enterprise has every right to protect their brand

    I am genuinely LOLing--love the chirpy conclusion.

    I watched ROTJ in the theater on Opening Day in 1983. The audience applauded everything and when the Emperor was tossed down the reactor chute, everyone went crazy.

    Yes, what the FUCK was that? She was a terrific new character, just fantastic, as good as K2SO. K2SO had to die, because that’s the point of Rogue One--no one makes it back. But L3-37 didn’t have to die anytime soon. Ugh, they just threw her away, terrible unforced error.

    Yes! God, I LOVE that movie. I sob at Jyn and Cassian’s deaths every. single. time--the music, the approaching holocaust, Cassian saying “your father would be proud of you.” Oh, it’s heart-breaking.

    I was thinking the same thing--the Darksaber is the Elder Wand! And Steve Trevor totally quantum leaped into that guy. 

    Toht never would’ve accepted that she no longer had the medallion--he would’ve tortured her anyway for the fun of it, just because she’s an easy target.

    I’m literally wheezing laughter out loud rn. I needed this today, thank you!

    And gas stations. 

    Warnock is a draw--first post-Reconstruction black senator in Georgia--in a way that Ossuf is not. And Loeffler is vulnerable--appointed, not elected, did jacksh*t on Capitol Hill, completely undistinguished--in a way that Perdue is not--long history in the state, very strong family ties to government (cousin was

    Right? “A generation”? Try three.

    It took about a week after the Amy Cooper incident—a week in which the term Karen went viral—for the meaning to shift from white women weaponizing their racial privilege, to being just another way for incels and misogynists to tell women (all women) to shut the fuck up online. I belong to a few genre (sci fi, mostly)

    The “my Irish ancestor was basically a slave once” is never, ever about empathy, although it should be. It’s always used to silence and deflect.

    As soon as my friend posted on FB where she’s from, I said “that tracks.”
