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    I liked the lyrics--I thought “dance into the fire” was kind of nihilistically cool.

    Really, people don’t like the song? I always liked that song and I didn’t like much pop in the ‘80s.

    Attack of the Clones is not great but the last scene, where Anakin and Padme marry with the droids as witnesses, almost redeems it. It’s beautifully underscored with a sweeping, melancholy theme by Williams, Portman looks gorgeous in a lacy, old-fashioned wedding dress and veil, and the money shot is Anakin reaching

    I still think she f***ing won. There is no way you can convince me that the man who refused to reuse himself—against all ethical and conventional norms—from counting the votes didn’t have a reason for that. No. Way.

    Oh God, fuck her. I get that she didn’t understand germ theory but when you realize she was going to the bathroom, not washing her hands afterward, and then going on to prepare food for the families with her hands...I literally want to vomit. I mean, people died, including at least one child, because of her refusal to

    Yikes. The banks get all the money? Does that poor Vanity Fair writer who was stiffed a year’s salary get anything?

    Since we’re in the middle of a pandemic, my cable TV consumption has spiked. Watching a lot of ‘80s-’90s pop culture and it’s astounding how repulsively ubiquitous his presence is. He’s in Home Alone 2, he has a “scene” in Judith Krantz’s novel I’ll Take Manhattan (boy, does she give him a favorable edit), he’s

    ...and crystal magic Not-Trump

    What are you talking about? “The soul” was obviously in the waiting room with Al the whole time ;)

    Cue Dustin Hoffman’s whining “I can’t be a misogynist, I starred in Tootsie!”

    YESSSSSS. Absolutely gorgeous cover. Good Lord, that man is talented. And the face of the actress playing his sister! Just a perfect scene.

    But that’s still very damaging. She is one of the most famous authors in the world, having written a hugely influential series. Her words carry enormous power.

    Also even before this whole trans thing started—for years, for years she was showered with shit by insane Snape fans (not talking about all Snape fans, I love him myself) who were angry about his fate. (And Draco fans and...you get the picture.) We all know about those absolutely batshit fans, who say “they” should be

    Also, Little Women. LMA was bombarded with angry fans’ reactions that Laurie and Jo didn’t end up together.

    For the life of me, I cannot fathom why the show thought it was acceptable to make fat jokes about Tracy Gold. She was fucking adorable in that show in every way. She was known already to be in danger of an eating disorder. Why in God’s name would you do something so cruel, in an industry that values appearance so

    YouTube TV costs how much??!

    This one?

    Right? I despise Tom Cruise and have not paid to watch a movie of his ever since the jump-the-couch moment. But FUCK, people. WEAR THE DAMN MASK.

    That’s not unconstitutional at all. No one is owed your attention, your respect or your time. If I think your ideas sound stupid/racist/homophobic/misogynistic, I am under no obligation—constitutional, moral or ethical—to continue to listen to them.

    One of my favorites chapters of the unabridged version (the other one is where college-age Nadine communes with Flagg through the Ouija board).