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    Such a great line. I mutter that to myself when I see ice cream novelty vendors in Central Park who put out large jars labeled TIPS for their $4 popsicles. This is your business, just raise the prices if you want more money! That’s what the money is for!

    I absolutely concede your point—that Ricardo was trapped in a decent-paycheck cul de sac of mediocrity in FANtasy ISland and was able to display his true ability in WoK. (GOD, he was great in that and Space Seed. Fucking love WoK. Don’t we all? Wait—there are some TOS fans who do NOT. Okay!) But still, Sheen brings so

    Gwyneth Paltrow. Nailed it in Sliding Doors and Shakespeare in Love.

    WHAT?! Michael was fucking awesome in the Twilight movies! Behold, the field in which he grew his fucks was barren! He chewed scenery like Montalban in Wrath of Khan!

    As compellingly fucked-up as My Sweet Audrina is, I have to say I prefer the balletic insanity of the “Steel! Covered over with silly, frilly tutus!” FITA saga.

    Right? So have an Asian-American mod as well, NBD. Have a Latina mod. Have a gay mod. Why would that be so difficult?

    It’s illegal to smoke in parks in NYC though it is almost never enforced. And frankly, Karen, I rather think the police have other things on their mind right now!

    But would Burnett sign an NDA? It was his production, right?

    That we know of. I’ve heard some of the Apprentice tapes are pretty damning, not that we’re likely ever to hear them.

    Right. I mean--yes, she probably could’ve phrased some of that a little differently (and she’s an influencer so anything she says is suspect) but--she’s, what, 21? She’s already doing better than her shitty parents and many other celebrities.

    ...kind of me? I was texting to a friend recently that I love Airplane! and yet, I’ve never actually seen any of the movies it spoofs. My 5 years older brother had seen Airport 1975 et al. and I had heard him talk about the movies (“There’s no one left to fly the plane!”). So I was aware of what it was spoofing—I was

    The scene where he beats the guy to death with the batgeez, man.

    I LOOOOVVVVVE the Odessa Steps sequence!!! Freakin’ brilliant! Complete with random Ukrainian old-fashioned sailors! And Andy Freakin’ Garcia slidin’ in at the end to toss a gun to Costner, stop the baby carriage from overturning and get off the last shot!

    Up until a few years ago, the Brits had male preference primogeniture—but women could still inherit the throne. The first queen regnant was Mary I in 1516 (unless you want to include her cousin Jane the 9-day queen but that hardly counts) but even before that, Empress Matilda was named as heir by her father Henry I in

    Whoah—did not know that! I assumed they followed the same rules as the Monegasque principality (or rather that Monaco followed the example set by the erstwhile French monarchy)—I thought I remembered reading somewhere back before Albert married and had kids, that the throne would proceed through Caroline’s sons.

    I don’t know the ins and outs of the French monarchy nearly as well as those of the English but the French did have the Salic Law, which excluded women from the throne. Succession can proceed through them, however.

    You think I’m going to stay here with you in this sin wagon?

    Right? YOU approached THEM. YOU demanded that THEY justify their presence. YOU assumed THEY were trespassing. How the hell is not all of that aggressive? It’s like Zimmerfuck stalking Trayvon, pointing a weapon at the kid he outweighs by at least 75 pounds. He was the aggressor and Trayvon, not he, was allowed to

    Charles fucking Stuart. I know the case well. Fucking piece of SHIT. Absolutely weaponized the BPD to get himself off the hook.

    Jesus, you’re right. That poor kid. Those poor people who tried to save him. JESUS.