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    You are a GOOD FRIEND.

    GOD, that’s a great, under-remembered movie. I always wave the Shattered Glass flag when Star Wars fans rag on Hayden Christiansen as an actor. “No,  he’s actually pretty solid, he just needs a good director, it’s harder to direct yourself in film...”

    This is a good, thoughtful, insightful article. I always liked Lautner—partly because I thought movie Bella was much more interesting around him and they had better chemistry, partly because I was disgusted at how many people seemed to be feeding off of him in one way or another. He was perfectly fine as a secondary

    Seriously! I completely agree.

    Wow, the Jezebel staff works with all these celebrities and reports to them every day? You DO run in some high circles, Jez.

    I quite liked Red, White and Blonde--I thought it was a great look at how laws are passed in this country and wasn’t just a retread of the first movie. I’m not sure why so many seem to hate it.

    I will also say—Trey really redeems himself (kind of) with that telegram to his mother at the negotiating table. That was aces. Finally, finally he stood up to her.

    I saw it in the theater and thought it was completely ridiculous, I simply could not take it seriously. Tom is so, so obviously overcompensating for something (what could it BE) and the constantly iterated theme of “he’s a MAVERICK, man, he’s UNSAFE, he FLIES by the SEAT of his PANTS, don’t you GET IT?” was ludicrous.

    I’ll be the HE-ro that--you been dreamin’ o-of....Beautiful poppy theme song. Love it.

    She is an excellent actress-she went to Juilliard. But Ford was also giving something back and Cruise is not a good enough actor to do that. (Sorry, I think Cruise has some talent but it’s buried under years of popcorn crap movies that didn’t challenge him.)

    This is why I always cringed when she makes that utterly embarrassing, over-written, improbable confession “I was afraid that everyone in the TACTS trailer would see right through me, and I just don’t want anyone to know that I’ve fallen for you.” EW. Charlie could have any guy she wants. Why on earth is she throwing

    Absolutely gorgeous movie. Just the barn-raising setpiece alone, with that Copeland-esque Jarre score, would recommend it but the whole thing is fantastic. Oh God, the dance in the barn, lit by gas lamps! The scene where he sees her bathing! Just heart-breaking, honest, beautiful work.

    I have always been meh about John Hughes’s ‘80s oeuvre, even though all of it was aimed squarely at my generation. Some are passingly enjoyable but my main problem with this unquestioned assumption that grownups sucked and “we” knew better than our parents. Every adult in FBDO is a patsy, Ferris’s catspaw. Andy in The

    I’m actually nervous for H/M and Archie. I’ve been reading some scary rhetoric on FB—people who should know better are lapping up the narrative of Evil Meghan, not questioning it at all. It’s fucking ridiculous and sad. They left the country, you drove them out, you got your shitty victory. Now move on to something

    Without even looking, I knew this was a white dude. Without. Even. Looking.

    IIRC the customer he was throwing out had waited over an hour for their food, which was inedible. They asked to have it taken off and Sammy went ballistic and threw them out, then demanded they come back and pay for their drinks.

    Why did he bother to make an appearance at all? Who is he trying to win over? Everyone thinks he was in on it and now he’s committed himself to a narrative that he’ll have to uphold under oath.

    Yes! He’s adorable with them, so sweet and kind, knowing how sensitive to any kind of criticism over-achiever kids (heck, all kids) are. Completely different from how he interacts with adults on his show.

    Now playing

    The “resignation getting rejected” trope is beautifully done in one of my favorite X-Files episodes, One Breath, when Skinner rips up Mulder’s resignation letter.