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    It’s not in the original cut. I remember going to see this cut and wanting to know why the director had originally eliminated it because I loved the utter weirdness of that bit. I mean, she’s doing a backstand down the stairs, and her mouth opens full of blood! I read somewhere that Friedkin had taken it out because

    Good. Let them fucking die, as long as they don’t infect anyone else. This is such stupidity.

    YES. THIS. This is enraging to see these animals—storming the state house with GUNS??? What the actual fuck? If that whole screaming bearded mob waving their shitty prosthetic dicks around were even ONE black man, we ALL know what would happen. This is fucking outrageous. FUCK YOU, Republicans. FUCK YOU TRUMP. This is

    I made the varsity soccer team as a freshman at an extremely accomplished (as far as athletics were concerned) high school—it was expected we would make the state final, and to make it as a freshman was a big deal. Our coach was brutal—we were screamed at every day, humiliated, singled out, even about our bodies

    Fucking Al FONG!!!! Howwwwww is he still in business? Yes, his gymnasts are typically gorgeous (I still miss Sarah Finnegan’s beautiful gymnastics on the elite scene) but I chalk that up to Armine anyway.

    He makes W sound like a Stanford professor.

    This is so horrifically sad and awful. I can’t even fathom the rage this piece of shit was feeling, to so methodically kill this many people. Jesus. All those victims. Dear God.

    Because of...well, the current insanity, coverage of the Nova Scotia shooting has been somewhat muted, so I looked up the WP article last night. Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. That is simply awful.

    Yes, Jesus effing Christ, WHY would you do something so breathtakingly cruel? WHY? She is clearly pouring her heart out in that letter, he is clearly...addled, his head is turned at the media attention—FFS, this is Harry’s wife, don’t you love Harry, doesn’t the British public love Harry, why in God’s name are you


    Much better. (And yes, if this is true, I think we all know why the decision was made.) But she is much more memorable as the platonic friend—the utter shock she plays when she learns about Mikey’s death is quite well-done and helps to ground Axel’s determination, in the face of so much opposition, to stay in LA and

    Oh yeah, she’s a great, strong character. I love Jenny and her friendship with Axel.

    I’ve been watching some ‘80s classics with new eyes, as ya do. BHC has the casual homophobia of its era, and it sure doesn’t pass the Bechdel test. But something I love about it is how it models a kind of non-toxic masculinity. Like when Axel asks Mikey in amazement “Why did you take the rap for me when we were teens”

    And then when Axel corrects him again, he pauses and then just continues with “...Foley...” Hilarious!

    Nao, dewn’t be schtupidd.

    Don’t forget Kristin Holby as Penelope!

    Yippikiay, motherfuckers!

    before calling Edward and Sophie “about as sexy as yesterday’s mashed potato”

    Hi, you’re a piece of SHIT and I hope your ass gets fired. I hope it takes you years to find another job, all because people googled you and discovered what a homophobic piece of SHIT you were during a national crisis, when everyone was terrified, when good people died for no reason and you just haaaaaaad to shit on

    I was scrolling down, saw young Laura Dern and thought “Oh, cool, they’re doing Rambling Rose...”, scrolled down further and was like “No, it’s Smooth Talk! No one talks about Smooth Talk! No one ever remembers Smooth Talk!