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    I said something similar to my Mom last night on the phone--about how people would *ahem* leave things on his grave--and she made horrified sounds but agreed he was evil incarnate.

    Yup. She sounds so tender, so warm. And the bridge! “All around the cathedral, the saints and apostles look down as she sells her wares/Although you can’t see it, you know they are smiling...each time someone shows that he cares...” Again the cadence slides from minor into major, and one of the very few mentions of

    I absolutely adore that song. Brings me to tears. “Come feed the little ones, show them you care/And you’ll be glad if you do/The young ones are hungry, their nests are so bare/All it takes...is tuppence...from you...” That last cadence on you, sliding from minor into major—-the Sherman brothers were just incredible

    Cream Eggs are waaaay too sweet but if you deep fry them, it balances out the sweetness. There’s a place in Greenwich Village—Assault and Battery, a English fry shop—that deep-fries them.

    The rape scene is even worse in the novel. It’s all from 14 year old Tom’s POV and is horrifically subjective.

    I agree but she couldn’t really change it since the affair was in the original novel, was an integral part of the novel. All she can do is mitigate it.

    Oh FFS, lady. Just nut up and take the deal. WTH makes YOU so special? Stop wasting taxpayer money and take your lumps.

    My disbelieving laughter is tinged with faint horror.

    Sorry, I’m a history pedant.


    Paper Hearts. Scary because all too realistic and just heartbreaking. The dream sequence is brilliantly shot and scored.

    *dreamy expression, steadily licks...licks...licks...newspaper fragments*

    Logic bedamned WE WANT PINE. 

    Oh God, that was great. Just electric. Such great cinematic storytelling. (Thank God they spared us an obligatory hOt N hEaVy sEx ScEnE. It would’ve ruined the delicacy of that whole sequence, starting with their dancing, with that lovely snow ghosting across the screen.)

    Yup. He’s a pragmatist so of course he’s a feminist. He doesn’t care about his male ego, he just wants to get the win. And his respect for her becomes part and parcel of his later love for her. My two favorite scenes are when they dance together, and then the scene in front of the plane at the end, without the sound.

    I first fell for his Kirk. (As a fan of TOS I know I’m supposed to not like his Kirk but fuck it, he’s fun and adorable.) Then I was gone for life after his Steve in Wonderwoman. I just loved those two, together, in that movie. I loved his bemused and rapid realization that Diana was FAR more capable than he, and the

    I love the introductory verse! That’s how I learned it in grade school. But it’s December the 24th/And I am longing to be up North...

    Also I’ll Be Home for Christmas, which was written in 1943.

    Another great bit like that was when we first see the Falcon, and it looks incredible and futuristic and awesome—to us. And then Luke says in disgust “What a piece of junk.”

    I enjoyed it a lot although I was quite disappointed that they killed off the feminist droid whom I LOVED.