
Yeah, but the union rules might allow his demotion but not a decrease in pay. I know some departments where your retirement amount is based on highest 3 years of pay. If that is the case here, he’s just losing seniority and shifts and not not much else.

I really wanted to switch careers from law to teaching, but actually the requirements would make me leave my job for over a year after going to school part time for 3 years or more, so I can’t. I think in some ways, some of requirement are a bit over the top.

That is pretty terrible in a lot of ways. I wonder if it will affect his pay though? Yay unions?

The human in me thinks “YES fire him.” The attorney thinks “He’s probably a union employee and will win this grievance, so it’s all for show”

I always wonder why people hate certain celebrities, and think it’s a waste of time until someone brings up Mayim Bialik and then I’m like “EXCEPT HER SHE’S THE WORST.” Seriously, the amount of smug and hypocrisy that woman spews is enough to make you appreciate the directness of the Kardashians.

I feel like she was totally throwing shade at her ex. “Haha asshole look at you now with your tiny house and non gold fixtures”

I think it’s a combination of that, but also the fear that the gun laws will change and that they won’t be able to get them after that.


Uh, she is an international human rights lawyer. Who cares who she married?

Is it me, or was the advertising for this also awful? I barely saw any commercials and I go to tons of movies and can’t remember seeing a preview at one. So all the better that it did so well! I didn’t see it, but my husband took my daughter and they said it was really good.

I think poking with the sharp edge of Matzah is more appropriate. That stings.

I find it annoying, but like an decent human being I’m not going to complain about my minor annoyance when it’s the only way someone else can enjoy it at all.

What makes this more frustrating is that my understanding is that you are required to pass a certification process in order to help people with VA benefits, but then you can only charge a for a few things and in those cases the amount you can charge is very small. So overall there are very few resources available and

“When you think about it, this whole thing is just such a Dumpster fire, and nobody wants to go near it.”

Probably about the time I was picking up the government cheese and powdered milk. We were always poor, but when my dad died we were SUPER poor.

I work in HR and even if you are saying that HR is there to protect the company (which I disagree with) you are NOT protecting any company by ignoring sexual harassment.

If you let someone act like the world revolves around them for long enough they come to rely on it.

Guys, he obviously said “NOT” 90's style right after all these comments so they are totally ok.

I already have the day off with my oldest since she has spring break but isn’t quite old enough to stay home alone. But our plan for the day was to eat popcorn and binge watch Gilmore Girls so really I just need to hope daycare isn’t closed for little brother and that I buy some junk food to make.

I think people over estimate response times. Though it seems unlikely to be 2 minutes if they were in the middle of nowhere, cops and firefighters and EMTs haul ass when it’s a medical emergency. I know that when you are in the situation it seems much longer than it actually takes. Hopefully they were lucky enough