The Ron Swanson of Westeros

The point would not be to tug at heart strings (America is a cold hearted bitch that doesn’t give a f about anyone but themselves so that was never going to happen), but to point out that a 6 year old is able to make a better decision about their health than the president and secretary of education of the United

That’s pretty much it. They think science is like a religion, and if you don’t like what it says, you pick a different one.

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The girls didn’t really destroy Neil. He’s doing his usual interview style which requires a person to defend their position. It doesn’t mean he’s really advocating for the other side. Those two girls handled it beautifully. Unlike a certain “cool kid’s philosopher”...

That truck thing had to be all Trump’s idea. His campaign has raised more money than God, and they’re running it like an episode of Parks & Rec.

An idea for an anti-Trump ad. On video, someone ask kids how they feel about going back INTO school with covid-19 out there running wild. That’s it. That’s all you’d have to do. The rest would speak for itself.

Trumpies seem to believe that “science” is just another agenda-driven “belief system” that can be safely ignored in favor of whatever the waddling cretin opted to babble about on that day. They also have no idea how incredibly stupid that attitude makes them appear.

Yeah, Pulaski was a dick. And it really was her primary mode.
I think they were aiming for some Bones/Spock friendly antagonism, but she just came off as a bigoted asshole. Hell, the whole Moriarty episode kicked off with her being utterly convinced that Data wasn’t capable of thought. 

Not that I’d be shocked and never really noticed before, I think, but it looks like they lifted some parts of the fighting scenes from Capt Blood. I was watching it this past weekend while reminiscing about my childhood since it was a favorite with me and my brothers.

It might be un-evolved of me, but I fucking love how transparent it was that they made the “decontamination chamber” a goddamn cheesecake factory with strip club lighting where mostly nekkid officers oiled each other’s well-toned bodies.

Just tell them it’s music from that old dude that looks like a Chucky doll who dated Lana Del Rey. And Chucky is a doll...Ok I might not be helping.

Like Captain Blood, The Sea Hawk is a remake:

My only objection to this is that it lacks Basil Rathbone as Flynn’s opponent.  Flynn was not a good fencer, and Rathbone was good enough to elevate their combats to something interesting.  Also, I have to prefer Captain Blood since it is actually is based on the Sabatini novel.. as opposed to this one which basically

President Projection, once again. 

I think the only reason we’re all convinced this movie is happening is it’s basically already completed. It’s done! They basically just have to release it.

I doublethink on display by the GOP and their zombies is mind boggling. You can’t even call them hypocrites, their behavior surpassed that milestone years ago.


I remember seeing Jolene Blalock give an interview on some late show, Conan O'Brien I think. I don't know if she was intentionally being tongue-in-cheek about it (it certainly felt like she was being sincere) but she came out and was explicitly touting herself as a sex symbol for Trek fans, like literally she draped

I think Enterprise is a decent series and I wish it got more than four seasons. It just took the worst aspects of Voyager (inconsistent characters, writing, and overall goals of the show) and combined them with network executives who wanted to pull the show in even more directions than before.

She thought twice about it. One of the best parts of that episode was Mulgrew’s micro-expressions in the last moments.

Good points. I almost feel like the writers felt like she needed to be professional all the time because she was a woman. She couldn’t be seen as being too soft, and given the Delta Quadrant situation they figured having her make a lot of moral compromises was the best way to offset that. Unfairly, that made people