
You are a Republican, or unknowingly arguing their position. When they are in power, there sure is a difference between the two major parties. When a Democrat takes the White House, all of a sudden FOX “News” is full of talking heads bemoaning how “politicians” are all the same.

I had to google who Herman Cain was... and I don’t get the reference, explain?

Begrudgingly? God no, I want more nuclear. I am pro-nuclear. It is the most viable power source we have available until we get magical microwave solar from space or something like in Simcity 2000.

Randall Tarly, Sam’s father?

Just a brand name? I’ve been a sysadmin since the early 90s. For the past 15 years, I’ve run primarily Mac environments. Probably buying and managing in the range of 2,500-3,000 computers over that time. My average lifespan on a purchase is over 7 years. We end up selling/giving away/recycling over 75% of the Macs we

Around the turn of the 20th century people of quality would go in small groups to the poor parts of town to enjoy the food, music and... ahem... nightlife; it was called “slumming”. Apple is introducing reverse-slumming, where the poor and dispossessed can come watch those with secure, well-paying jobs that offer


That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?

Now playing

Well, there was his rant about protestants along with Siskel...

Love this point!

At this point they could re-cast Rickon and I wouldn’t notice. Would he be like 14 by now?

I think that Stannis is going to get out of getting executed by Brienne by taking the black.

It was also glaringly obvious which direction she was swinging her sword, and at what angle. It was a bizarre and uncomfortable looking angle, and with the previous shot that showed stannis leaning on the left side of the tree. Her swing looked like it would perfectly strike the tree, coming close to cutting him, but

Also, he probably convinced the mercenaries to desert and join the Boltan’s army, hence why they had so many mounted units (the mercenaries took all Stannis’ horses).

And just like Milo and Star Wars Kinect, I’m sure it’ll live up to its on-stage demo...

Stannis is probably alive or they would have showed the kill.

They’ve been landing this way for almost five decades..

Sure, if you also call firefighting drops and crop dusting chemtrails.