
"It's a reggae song I don't know the artist of, therefore Bob Marley."

Now playing

Comm Voice: "We're sending a squad up."
Han: "Uh, negative, negative. We have, uh, a reactor leak here, uh, now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Uh, large leak, very dangerous."
Comm Voice: "Who is this? What’s your operating number?"

Now playing

Can't hear 'Mars' without hearing this instead:

Morning coffee:


You should try the Deadpool game. It's 4th wall-o-licious.

When we all know where that hate should be focused:


I second this petition.

I wonder if it looked like this:

Yeah if we could get a hold of that graphic novel, that would be great.

Here's a whole team of sidekicks who wound up completely outshining the guy they were sidekicking. Not that HB himself isn't cool, but these guys are just pure awesome.

It could be a variation on the old Soviet standard layout of a SA-2 Guideline Missile battery site. The standard layout was a 6 missile battery in a "star of David" layout.

I draw a penis on it every week. It was parked inside till about a year ago. I guess they just gave up on it

I happen to know where there is another EV1 nestled away in the depths of a university warehouse, never to be seen again. Knowing the size of this university, there is a pretty good chance they forgot they even have it. I'd say where, but I'd rather titillate the internet detectives with this treasure map, instead.

Must the lessons of DRAGONBALL: EVOLUTION be taught again?