say it with me: fal·la·cy
say it with me: fal·la·cy
lulz “the left”, that’s a nice spook you got there, nerd. Okay, I’ll bite - first off, maybe, just maybe, we should ask the question “why are these people claiming asylum?” Now, I’m sure you’re just loaded full of wonderful fallacies and ideological assumptions, but the answer is actually quite real, AND on top of…
I think it’s more entertaining that instead of trying to encourage drones, motion sensors, and other technology(you know, technology that would actually drive the economy), they insist on a 9th century concrete wall that anyone with a either a shovel or a ladder could easily get over it. And I’m pretty sure that any…
What if I told you most Democrats support border security, they’re just intelligent enough to realize that it makes more sense to use motion sensors, drones, and technology, rather than building a wall that, surprise, anyone with either a shovel or ladder could get over....
Ever notice all that military hardware they use for Punisher? They have to rent that from somewhere, all the while, a certain militarized branch of theUS government needs new gun hoo recruits with delusions of grandeur or just an itchy trigger finger.
Honestly, it doesn’t even have anything to do with money - it has everything to do with the fact these shows ran totally off the tracks and hit a wall. Luke Cage basically became a mob boss, the Iron Fist has an identity crisis of “who is the real Iron Fist” cause there’s now three of them, Jessica Jones has been…
What F*ing morons, Moose are incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. I’ve had my car charged by Moose while driving on the freeway and narrowly missed.
Except all of them hit a canon wall - Luke Cage became basically a mob boss, Iron Fist had an identity problem where apparently everyone is an Iron fist now(who use guns too pew pew[also I’m still confused why Davos needed a corpse of iron fist past when he just ended up using Danny’s tattoo juice anyways]), Jessica…
“I’m not certain I want to see Picard in a series thats all lasers and special effects.”
.....ugh.....did you actually watch Next Generation? Cause that was literally just lasers and special effects...
....then make some friends and kick their ass! It’s more embarrassing for a bunch of proud boys to have their asses handed to them by homosexuals than ban them.
True, but no one forces me to buy cigarettes, I just buy them cause their addictive nature gives me satisfaction...until it runs out and I have to get another pack. It’s not so much about gambling as it is about addiction
Well...yeah, but no one said anything....until now...good f*ing job. Soon you’ll have to be 21+ just to get a starter pack...
Did you actually play it, or are you basing your opinions solely on reviewers? Cause as someone that previously based his opinions on reviewers without even playing it, I can’t tell you how wrong I was. I haven’t found any bugs or glitches. I don’t care that it’s the same engine as Fallout 4(which I liked anyways).…
There’s a joke about trying to find “ballistic fiber” somewhere in there
They don’t actually address anyone’s race/ethnicity; they only state which satellite/planet they’re from. Technically, each character could be of any race/ethnicity and it still be canon, it’s just the logical thing would be to portray Spike/Faye as half Chinese/half Caucasian, Jet as African American, and Edward as…
So...have you actually played it yet? Cause 1)it’s really not that bad, and 2) blatant shaming isn’t going to fix the problems.
lulz “185 hours”.... that’s it? Try adding a zero at the end and you’ll be on par with the real fallout fans
Oh look, more reasons to hate this failure of a crappy game
Lame. They need to go back to Civ: call to power, with orbital space stations and space battle cruisers.
Or they just acted like a bunch of yes men(women) and nobody ever just said “No, that’s a bad idea”.