West Coast Shady

I can also totally imagine WFH George surrounding himself with food, TV, girly mags, whatever just out of view from his webcam, and then a fire alarm goes off in his building and he jumps up to reveal to his video conferencing co-workers that he has no pants on.

Of everything that people suggested, that was the line that rang the truest to me. I heard it in Kramer’s voice and even saw his mannerisms.

> Kramer: I think I can beat it.

100% Kramer.

I’m surprised Trump hasn’t given Bakker a cabinet position yet. He’s exactly the amoral steaming pile of evil that Trump likes to surround himself with.

Yeah, i forget that the US charges you to live.  

I really like Alex Trebek, I think he’s a great human being and has brought joy to many people for couple of decades now (if not more) — but wealth does affect how much access to healthcare you get. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer as well and lasted 3 months; she passed away last November, 2

Jobs lived 8 years after his diagnosis.... so yea...

Now playing

I think Mr Show did the best parody of it.

We do know that the VULCANS apparently tried to help the Romulans, at least. We know this from the first Abrams film, where Spock and the vulcans built a ship that was going to try and *stop* the thing that ultimately destroyed Romulus.  

It got me twice: when Eleanor walked through at the end, and, before that at every reunion of parent and child, as someone who lost a parent at a young age and would just really, really love to believe it would be that easy.

An A? Just an A? If there was ever a time to pull out the A+, this was it. This will go down as one of the best series finales ever.

Filoni should be LucasFilm’s Feige, but the thing that makes Feige special isn’t the fact that he understands the universe and its canon, it’s the fact that they actually gave him the power to show run several billion dollars’ worth of films. If The Mandalorian really stepped on the Obi Wan show’s toes so badly,

As you pointed out, he isn’t actually in a Feige-type role when he clearly should be.
i wonder if Kennedy is worried about her job if he gets too much responsibility. I know I’d be fine with him replacing her.

Lucasfilm does have it’s Feige. His name is Dave Filoni. But it sounds like, outside of his animation projects, the politics of that company do their best to steer him clear of the live action side of things. The guy has a pretty clear head about canon and he’s extended it quite well through his animation projects.

She told people to vote Democrat in the last primaries, and gave specific reasons why she personally was voting against Marsha Blackburn.

I remember she also told people to vote democrat or something during the midterms,that’s pretty political.

In the article’s defense, “lady parts” IS by default a funnier term than “vagina”.

JJ’s apparent inability to understand how distance and scale works strikes again in this movie.

How does Ben get a classic TIE from the Endor moon to Exegol without a wayfinder or, more importantly, a damn hyperdrive?

It took the work of decades to build the Death Star. Where do these planet killing star destroyers

Who may or may not have a history of being bribed. 

> the Golden Globes (a group of 90 journalists)
