West Coast Shady

And for your information, many Orions haven’t been pirates for over five years!”

Still hoping season 6 is going to be 40 episodes.

Yes, you tell him he's wrong. It's not cruel. It's more cruel to leave it go, to let him believe he did something wrong by doing the right thing and protecting his kids, to let him convince others to avoid doing the right thing. He would have the same problem whether or not he vaccinated his kids. But now he blames

Another requisite dive into Google reveals that a big reason Thatcher did not want sanctions placed on South Africa is because her son (who we already know she held in too high, undeserved, esteem) had a great deal of business there and didn’t want him to fail, hence the 48:1 members of the 49 members in favor of

i wonder if this water glycerin residue stuff does anything bad when you inhale it into your respiratory system, the things that help our lungs “breathe” properly?

We don’t know yet. There was an interview in August last year when Jon Favreau said that Boba Fett is not in The Mandalorian - but it wouldn’t be the first time plans have changed. Jango got beheaded, so if it’s not Boba and Jango’s dead, then clones are about all that’s left, and the question is which one? I’d love

Darn it! Someone commented this before me!

it was “wastebasket”. sorry, poor cropping

Would regular ol’ antibiotics help with radiation poisoning?

Yeah. The trans community is pretty nuts right now and you see some people responding cruelly on the feminist side as well. Both communities rile each other up. Trans people are subject to some horrific discrimination. And feminists are frustrated at being harassed and silenced in the leftist circles they considered

Rowling (and others) don’t take issue with trans women identifying as women. They take issue with trans women being treated as women in a biological sense.

Don't care, will watch, will love. 

I’m slightly kidding. I’d pick Tenet over WW but I haven’t had a boner in 6 months and WW would help in that endeavor. Don’t you judge me.

what in the absolute fuck. ewwww. what the fuck?!

Nah, he’s gotten big into Nordic landscape photography Pinterest boards lately.

Here’s some money. Go see a Star War.

I don’t know you linked to Adam The Creator’s Facebook page. His Twitter account is easier to navigate and find gems like this:

That extended opening credits, complete with ’70s TV voiceover introductions for each actor, was delightful.

“Covid-19? Is that that Chinese virus?”

“I’m loaded up with vitamins, Jerry. My body’s so full of them that there’s no room left for the virus!”