West Coast Shady

He can be funny, I’ve seen it and laughed. But this entire interview, including the Nicks story, just wasn’t funny to me at all.

He’s really not all that funny but he does have quite the comedic resumé. That being said looking over the things he worked on... Yeah... Not really all that funny. SNL has had a few good skits here and there but is mostly just a shadow of former brilliance.

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I’m sorry to disagree, but the man is responsible for one of my favorite recent SNL sketches:

This cannot be true.

I have a little trouble with the idea that a performer can be more wooden than Jerry Seinfeld. That said, Mulaney is a very mannered and deliberate performer, and his braying Stage Voice takes some getting used to. His specials also feel very writerly, rather than going for a loose, off the cuff comedy-club vibe.  

I don’t get Mulaney’s accolades. I also don’t find him to be very funny. He’s like a wooden, surrealist version of Seinfeld.

Who ever said that the titular character here was supposed to be a hero? He’s not described that way in any of the official descriptions of the character. The Mandalorian is the protagonist here for sure, but trying to describe him as a hero and then judging him as a failure to heroic ideals is unfair when there is

So I really think Adrian’s in a bubble on Mars.

Snoke is like 7 ft tall. Unless Herzog took some force steroids, I don't think that's gonna be it.

My guess is that we see the origins of Supreme Leader Snoke. Maybe, originally, a senator or something. Or a crime boss. But something to do with Snoke, before he eventually became leader of the First Order.

I was never one of those people that gave a shit who he was, or that he was unceremoniously struck down, but

No one screwed over Moore. Moore knew what he signed up for, but did it anyway. I’d rather not join the vocal minority of mentally-stunted comic fanboys who never grew over their Moore phase. It was embarrassing in the 90s when we’d had time to grow up after reading his work, and it’s embarrassing now.

You need to watch the episode beforehand "Band in China" which is all about China.


For real. I like Martin, but I feel like he’s been in denial about this for years. He writes and publishes other things, which is his right, but I think he lost interest in this damn series years ago. Maybe now that the show is over, he’s hoping people will stop asking him about the ending, so he can continue to

“For years there I had the lingering anxiety that someone would call and say, ‘George, we need you to finish the books before we can finish the series.’ And I would repeat to myself, ‘No, no, you sent them the PowerPoint*.’ Now, though?” (Puts hands behind head, stretches out, takes nap.)

It *could* be that “his own pace” is three books a year but the show has kept him too busy.

He was.  He just no longer has to feel bad about it.

I’d prefer a where are they now segment on the boxers from Punch-Out.

I don’t know. In real life kids don’t just blindly accept their adopted parents, even if they’re raised by them from birth. And most of these kids look old enough to remember their real parents.

I would really like to see Gilead brought down and the trials of the commanders plus the re acclimating of the handmaids, Marthas, and children to lives without Gilead. I really hope we get to see that rather than continue with this stuff where June rebels and somehow makes it out. I don’t necessarily want her to die,