West Coast Shady

Well, I bet they grew up being told to always obey, be quiet, and stand in line. This is Gilead, after all. None of those kids are being raised to ask questions or have opinions. Plus, you never tell young kids the truth, you just tell them they are going on an adventure. I figure adapting after getting to Canada will

What I don’t buy is that all these children were willing to run from the only home they knew. They were born in Gilead. They were indoctrinated to it from birth. Not in a chance in hell that all of them were willing to run from the only thing they knew to something they’ve been led to believe is evil and against God.

I sure hope not. That’s also where I draw the line. What I don’t understand is why people just stay put in Canada. Yes, it’s convenient to be right there in case the person you love escapes. I get Luke wanting to stick around for June, for example. But if Canada starts being too nice to Gilead, why not leave? There’s

“...So. The Borg.”

I just want him to do his Star Trek film. I want to see that vision so badly now. What is a Tarantino Star Trek? Yes, I’ve read all the jokes about, but it would be nothing like that.

Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”

I think it’s in part because “Man in the High Castle” doesn’t regularly depict Jews and Roma and other groups being murdered en masse. But Confederacy would likely have to depict ongoing slavery, and that would be unpleasant to watch with anyone behind the camera, but with guys who haven’t always been sensitive in

Honestly, Handmaid’s Tale is already a “What if the Confederacy won” show. We’re also kind half-living that right now too.

Now playing

I think., realistically, it’s just a terrible idea. It requires, within the show, the normalization of absolutely horrific racism. Or, alternatively, they’d have to downplay the racism and make slavery seem less terrible than it was (or would be) which would be as bad. The fake documentary “C.S.A. Confederate State of

Because there is a loud and activate part of this country that not only celebrates the confederacy, but wants to recreate those days, and has never acknowledged that slavery was immoral and that they continue to personally benefit from the profits and privileges that arouse from said chattel slavery regardless if they

I sort of agree. I don’t have an issue with the premise, but I have serious doubts these can pull this kind of thing off.   I’m still kind of curious about it, though.

A perfectly good alternate history mockumentary named “The Confederate States of America” exists that covers the same territory, I.E. the English and French intervened in 1863 to bring to conclusion the civil war in favor of the South and the implications, particularly the continued existence of slavery.

I think Confederate just hits way closer to home with a more vocal population. Its much more racially charged and race being WAY more controversial in America right now than Nazis, even though we are having problems with those too unfortunately. There is also a shame factor here. America is ashamed of its past and

I think Confederate, no matter who made it, was going to be tone-deaf at best, but even if not.... the reaction online from white supremacist viewers would be a nightmare. I don’t hear about a lot of present day Nazis sighing about Man in the High Castle with “ah, shoulda been that way” although maybe they do. But the

I honestly WANTED the Confederate show, and badly. Yes, it would be tough to watch, hit every nerve and make (hopefully) most Americans wildly uncomfortable.

They might seem like similar concepts on the surface, which is probably why B&W thought they could copy it like everyone in hollywood does their damndest to copy success, but we have so much more distance between us and the concepts of High Castle than we do to racism.

There is a throwaway line in High Castle about how the Nazis “re-enslaved the African continent”

Considering these guys gave us a “weren’t the people fighting slavery the real monsters in the end because they thought that made them right?” story, no I would really have no interest in watching their “what if US slavery stuck around [instead of, you know, what we got which was sharecropping, Jim Crow, and mass

I still don’t understand the rage over Confederate. Was it just because it was these two bozos behind the project? If it were two competent writers, would people have been properly intrigued? A project like this could have something interesting to say about our modern political and racial climate.

We do have a TV show