West Coast Shady

The holiday break is sort of annoying, but it is sort of brilliant too, since the big crossover always gets a big ratings spike, so this extends that into the shows’ spring returns 

I mean, considering how they gave LoT 3 month break in the middle of the previous season, are you surprised by this atrocious scheduling?

So they’re putting a 4 week break into the middle of this extravaganza? Fuckers.

Where does Texas fall on that chart? Heck, where do Florida and California fall, also?

The people who paid the AV Club for this article.

15 years ago, it would’ve been Letterbox’d.

This is the internet. Please use the proper syntax:

It’s basically Goodreads except for movies.

It’s kind of like Goodreads, but for movies (or TV). You can select a movie, rate it, write a review, read other peoples reviews, make your own lists (“My Best of 2019,” “Best Rom-Coms 2019,” whatever) and so on and so forth.

So, it’s not QUITE social media, as like a WhatsApp or Twitter or Faecbook, but it

The fact that a vowel is missing from the name suggests some sort of social media or blogging platform, but that’s just guesswork.

What the fuck is Letterboxd? Are they something special in the social media sphere, such that this made news?

“Ariana Grande’s Manchester Benefit Concert Raised $13 Million for Victims of the Attack”

Yes and yes. I can’t speak to the accuracy of the show’s general depiction of the criminal justice system (it probably takes a lot of liberties,) but I’m friends with someone who was detained by ICE. She’s an immigrant here on a student visa who was giving 2 mutual friends a lift - she didn’t know they were

No they weren’t. Look at the damned thing. It’s so obvious that a great number of them were green-screened into the shot.

I’m dying to see the Budapest adventure on film. I hope they include that and a Clint appearance

I’m praying for a Budapest climax. 

A note to all of the “I don’t tip because it’s a broken system, and it won’t get fixed until we stop playing along” types:

He also did a tweet 5 years ago basically congratulating Marvel on Capt America and Thor, but when are we going to get an Asian superhero? 

I’d like to see the story of how she essentially became a hero. Maybe something about whatever Budapest adventure she and Hawkeye keep referring to in these movies.

It’s gonna be the Solo of the MCU, an unneeded flick no one wanted that feels it necessary to tell backstories we don’t want to know.